synvert Career
Make a difference and join our Team

Recruiting Team

Our recruiting team will look at your application as soon as possible and contact you about the next steps.

Something different from the job vacancies available?

Send us an unsolicited application and we will think about how you can fit into our team.

Send your application


Frequently asked questions

How can I apply for a job with you?

You can sub­mit your appli­ca­tion either here online (click on “Send your appli­ca­tion”) or via email (click on “Send us an email” in the con­tact sec­tion). You can also mes­sage us your info via the social media chan­nels Xing and LinkedIn.

Do I need a cover letter?

No, you do not need to send a cover let­ter for job vacancies.

How does the application process work?

The appli­ca­tion process may change slightly in dif­fer­ent synvert cen­tres, but gen­er­ally fol­lows these key stages: sub­mit­ting an appli­ca­tion for an open posi­tion or send­ing an unso­licited appli­ca­tion, under­go­ing a tech­ni­cal inter­view to assess your skills and qual­i­fi­ca­tions, par­tic­i­pat­ing in an inter­view with man­age­ment to intro­duce your­self and dis­cuss poten­tial projects, and finally, receiv­ing an offer to begin your career at synvert.

What is the technical interview like?

The tech­ni­cal inter­view is con­ducted by one of our con­sul­tants and usu­ally lasts about an hour. Dur­ing the inter­view, the con­sul­tant will ask you ques­tions about your tech­ni­cal skills (e.g. pro­gram­ming lan­guages, data­bases, cloud tech­nolo­gies, etc.); they may also ask about your expe­ri­ence. Of course, you too can ask ques­tions, about, for instance, every­day life as a con­sul­tant, the onboard­ing process, project con­tents, etc.

What is the onboarding process like?

You will get to know the pro­grams and tools we work with, the men­tor­ing sys­tem that we offer, as well as our con­sul­tant train­ing plans.

Can I work from home?

synvert gen­er­ally allows employ­ees to work from home, but there are instances when employ­ees should come to the office, par­tic­u­larly for meet­ings with col­leagues and cus­tomer appointments.

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