synvert Careers
Work­ing Stu­dent Cloud Com­put­ing / Data Warehousing

Work­ing Stu­dent Cloud Com­put­ing / Data Warehousing

synvert is one of the lead­ing inde­pen­dent con­sult­ing com­pa­nies for data & ana­lyt­ics full-ser­vice provider in the cloud and on-premises in Europe with more than 500 con­sul­tants. Thanks to the con­sult­ing expe­ri­ence built up over 30 years and more than 1000 com­pleted projects, synvert can pro­vide its cus­tomers with com­pe­tent advice and expert sup­port dur­ing imple­men­ta­tion, regard­less of indus­try, busi­ness case, bud­get and tech­nol­ogy. Our exten­sive cus­tomer list and our cus­tomer tes­ti­mo­ni­als are the best proof of sat­is­fied cus­tomers through suc­cess­ful projects.

To strengthen our IT team at our Mün­ster (GER) loca­tion, we are look­ing for ded­i­cated work­ing stu­dents with a tech­ni­cal back­ground and an inter­est in new soft­ware technologies.

Do you want to build up the cor­re­spond­ing know-how and then imple­ment it in excit­ing projects?

Mün­ster (Group)

Our expectations from you

  • As a working student, you are interested in gaining experience with future-oriented technologies as part of a professional team during your studies.
  • You already have a good knowledge of programming and/or a scripting language (e.g., SQL, Java MDX, VBScript, Unix Shell, Hadoop, etc.).
  • You are studying computer science, business informatics, business administration with an IT focus or in a scientific-mathematical orientation
  • You have experience in working with relational databases, the query language SQL and in relational data modeling as well as the command of a programming language.
  • Preferably you have already worked with BI solutions such as Informatica Powercenter, IBM InfoSphere and Cognos, Microstrategy or Pentaho BI

Your tasks

  • Reinforcement of our IT team
  • Support of various internal IT projects
  • Familiarization with and evaluation of new tools and technologies

What you get

  • Insight into the organizational activities of a medium-sized IT consulting firm
  • Flexible working hours
  • Appropriate payment
  • Flat hierarchies
  • New office, modern workplace equipment, hybrid model (on-site/home office)
  • Free drinks, cereal bar and communal breakfast every Friday
  • Close team cohesion through company outings, running event
  • In cooperation: canteen, daycare center

Breakfast together

Free Drinks

Corporate events

Flexible hours


Free Coffee

"Even though consultants are mostly wanted for the main business, synvert is also a great employer for students. I'm Jan-Lukas, 23 years old, and I've been working at synvert for half a year now as a student trainee in telemarketing. My tasks are mainly tec..."


Student trainee Telemarketing

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