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synvert sara­cus won the Con­fi­dence with­out Arro­gance — Matil­lion Core Value Award

We are delighted to announce that synvert sara­cus has won this year’s cov­eted Con­fi­dence with­out Arro­gance — Matil­lion Core Value Award. This pres­ti­gious award rec­og­nizes excel­lence in data engi­neer­ing and beyond.

Our sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions have been instru­men­tal in dri­ving the data engi­neer­ing ecosys­tem for­ward. This award rec­og­nizes not only our achieve­ments, but also our inno­va­tion and com­mit­ment to excel­lence in data solu­tions. This suc­cess under­lines our posi­tion as a lead­ing player in the indus­try and moti­vates us to con­tinue set­ting top standards.