AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

synvert Accel­er­at­ors – tail­or­made for our customers

Our products

synvert products

synvert has suc­cess­fully estab­lished itself in the fields of cloud data & AI through the con­sist­ent devel­op­ment of its own products. Our expert team lever­ages cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gies to cre­ate cus­tom­ized solu­tions that are per­fectly aligned with our cli­ents’ needs. Each of our products is char­ac­ter­ized by pre­cise plan­ning and innov­at­ive approaches. synvert stands for con­tinu­ous innov­a­tion, provid­ing solu­tions that help our cli­ents achieve their goals efficiently.


DWin­sur­ance is a com­pre­hens­ive sample solu­tion for busi­ness intel­li­gence applic­a­tions, tailored to the Ger­man and Swiss insur­ance industry. DWin­sur­ance and its read...

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Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator

The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator is a power­ful tool that lever­ages Infra­struc­ture as Code (IaC) to enable organ­iz­a­tions to rap­idly deploy enter­prise-grade Snow­flake e...

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Dat­ab­ricks Accel­er­a­tion Framework

Accel­er­ated cloud DWH pro­jects with the Dat­ab­ricks Accel­er­a­tion Framework ...

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Dis­tilled from our years of enabling Ana­lyt­ics & Insights in the HR space at large enter­prises, we have developed an innov­at­ive enable­ment pro­gramme to integ­rate all y...

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GenAI Accelerator

At a time when gen­er­at­ive AI use cases are increas­ing stead­ily in require­ments and com­plex­ity, a struc­tured approach to provide the neces­sary infra­struc­ture is of cru­c...

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Observation Deck

The Observation Deck provides an innov­at­ive solu­tion for real-time mon­it­or­ing and ana­lysis of IT sys­tems and busi­ness pro­cesses. By util­iz­ing mod­ern mon­it­or­ing tool...

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AI Gate­way

Engin­eered to con­trol, safe­guard and gov­ern AI usage across the entire organizaton. ...

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MLOps Accelerator

Machine Learn­ing Oper­a­tions (MLOps) is a plat­form-defin­ing solu­tion that cov­ers the entire ML life­cycle – from explor­a­tion, data import, pre-pro­cessing, train­ing and pr...

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