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synvert at the Data­bricks Data + AI World Tour Munich

synvert is proud to be a spon­sor at the Data­bricks Data + AI World Tour in Munich on Novem­ber 7, 2024. This event pro­vides an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity to dis­cover the lat­est advances in the Data­bricks Data Intel­li­gence plat­form, includ­ing Gen­er­a­tive AI (GenAI), Busi­ness Intel­li­gence, Data Ware­housing, Data Engi­neer­ing, Gov­er­nance and Col­lab­o­ra­tion. These tech­nolo­gies help local com­pa­nies to sig­nif­i­cantly improve their data and AI strategies.

Our experts Dr. Alexan­der Fulst from synvert and Dr. Matthias Koch from Hel­ve­tia Ver­sicherun­gen will give excit­ing insights into the migra­tion of the non-life reserv­ing process at Hel­ve­tia in their pre­sen­ta­tion “Data­bricks & Non-Life Reserv­ing @ Hel­ve­tia: From Legacy to Lead­ing Edge”.

The pre­sen­ta­tion will show how dif­fer­ent fea­tures of Data­bricks are used to opti­mize the work­flows, from stan­dard note­book jobs to SQL ware­houses and Data­bricks Con­nect for the inte­gra­tion of PowerBI and Plotly Dash. Among other things, the new pro­duc­tion solu­tion has accel­er­ated Hel­ve­ti­a’s close time with improved data pro­cess­ing and visu­al­iza­tion capa­bil­i­ties and has been very well received by end users. Hel­ve­ti­a’s jour­ney towards an advanced non-life reserv­ing sys­tem is thus well underway.

Take the oppor­tu­nity to net­work with the local data and AI com­mu­nity, learn from lead­ing tech­nol­ogy experts and receive hands-on training.
