Why did you start work­ing at synvert?
I joined synvert in 2013, primar­ily because of the excit­ing envir­on­ment (DWH, BI) and synvert’s prom­ise to place a strong focus on train­ing. Nine years later, I can say that I have learned a lot, the envir­on­ment remains excit­ing, and I have been able to attend many train­ing ses­sions and obtain certifications.

What roles have you held, and what pro­jects have you worked on?
Over the past nine years, I have taken on the roles of Developer, Busi­ness Analyst, Archi­tect, Sub­pro­ject Man­ager, and cur­rently, I am a Pro­ject Man­ager and Key Account Man­ager. Along­side the primary fields of insur­ance and bank­ing, I have also worked with cli­ents in the car-shar­ing and pro­duc­tion industries.

What makes your work at synvert special?
What makes my work at synvert spe­cial is the ver­sat­il­ity of the tasks and the ongo­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for devel­op­ment through new respons­ib­il­it­ies and roles. In addi­tion, internal offer­ings such as the Azure Stam­mt­isch and internal work­shops are a great enrichment.

What do you look for in an employer, and how has synvert met those expectations?
For an employer to be inter­est­ing to me, they need to chal­lenge and sup­port me, align with my moral val­ues, foster a relaxed and open cul­ture, and not shy away from invest­ing in fun or employee appreciation.

At synvert, I feel recog­nized as a per­son and not just a num­ber, which is the most import­ant cri­terion for me. Activ­it­ies such as paraglid­ing, ski days, laser tag, and oth­ers also ful­fill my need for fun and appreciation.