My name is Niels and I’ve been work­ing as a con­sult­ant at synvert for sev­eral years now. As a trained math­em­atician with a focus on prob­ab­il­ity the­ory, I first came across synvert dur­ing the “Math and Info offer per­spect­ives” event at the Depart­ment of Math­em­at­ics in Mün­ster. Even dur­ing my stud­ies, it was clear to me that I wanted to pur­sue a career in con­sult­ing. The ref­er­ence pro­jects presen­ted by synvert at the event con­vinced me that IT con­sult­ing offered an excit­ing entry into the pro­fes­sional world.

After a brief onboard­ing period in data man­age­ment and cloud archi­tec­tures, I was able to con­trib­ute to ini­tial pro­jects and gain exper­i­ence as a con­sult­ant. In my first pro­ject, I developed a frame­work for an insur­ance com­pany in the cloud, which auto­mat­ic­ally ana­lyzed PDF files, images, and tables for key data such as geo­graphic coordin­ates and stored them in a GIS sys­tem. This was the start­ing point of my career, and since then, I’ve gained exper­i­ence in the clouds of Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, with mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies like Snow­flake and emer­ging meth­ods like Pro­cess Mining.

As might be evid­ent from the pre­vi­ous sec­tion, the work in IT con­sult­ing and at synvert is always a bit “dif­fer­ent”: No pro­ject is exactly the same as the pre­vi­ous one, but in each pro­ject, you get to learn excit­ing and novel tech­no­lo­gies and carry that exper­i­ence into the next ones. This res­ults in an incred­ibly steep learn­ing curve – not just in terms of pure know­ledge, but also in soft skills such as com­mu­nic­a­tion and present­ing results.

synvert meets my expect­a­tions of an employer that I had dur­ing my edu­ca­tion: The pro­jects are incred­ibly excit­ing, work­ing in a team is enjoy­able, the col­leagues are friendly and help­ful, there are oppor­tun­it­ies for both pro­fes­sional and per­sonal growth and – per­haps most import­antly – there is always a great deal of trust and respect given.