What excites me most about work­ing at synvert is the diverse range of tasks. Our pro­jects are already very var­ied, but in addi­tion, per­sonal interests and wishes for pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment are taken into account.

Even bey­ond daily work, it’s evid­ent that the opin­ions and ideas of employ­ees are act­ively sought and con­sidered. For example, before mov­ing to a new office loc­a­tion, we were repeatedly con­sul­ted on the design of the new space. Sim­il­arly, employ­ees are involved in the plan­ning of com­pany celebrations.

This cre­ates a very familial atmo­sphere where you enjoy work­ing, exchan­ging ideas with col­leagues and where your own opin­ions and sug­ges­tions are truly valued.