This blog post is part of our data gov­ernance blog mini-series. In our first post, we intro­duced the concept of Data Gov­ernance (DG) as a driver to achiev­ing data excel­lence, and out­lined the import­ance of focus­ing on tan­gible, out­come-driven ini­ti­at­ives when imple­ment­ing DG. It’s much more than a the­or­et­ical exer­cise involving data, roles, and own­er­ship; it cov­ers essen­tial tech­nical domains like Data Cata­log, Data Qual­ity, Mas­ter Data Man­age­ment (MDM), and DevOps. In this art­icle, we’ll explore the Data Cata­log domain in depth, examin­ing how it strengthens DG by ensur­ing trust, qual­ity, trans­par­ency and access­ib­il­ity through­out your organisation.

A Data Cata­log acts as a cent­ral­ised repos­it­ory, provid­ing a detailed invent­ory of data assets enriched with metadata. Integ­rat­ing DG with a Data Cata­log cre­ates a syn­er­gistic rela­tion­ship that enhances data man­age­ment prac­tices, allow­ing organ­isa­tions to align policies with metadata, improve data qual­ity, enhance secur­ity, facil­it­ate com­pli­ance, and enable effect­ive data stew­ard­ship. By bridging the gap between tech­nical and busi­ness users, a Data Cata­log plays a cru­cial role in mak­ing DG more effect­ive and impact­ful, as we will see in this art­icle. To learn more about Data Gov­ernance as a whole, take a look at the first part of this mini-series here.

Glob­al­Lo­gic example
GlobalLogix’s Data Cata­log includes detailed metadata for assets, ran­ging from con­tainer track­ing data in mari­time logist­ics to invent­ory levels in ware­housing. It also iden­ti­fies who owns each dataset—whether it’s the IT depart­ment for sys­tem logs or the Qual­ity depart­ment for per­form­ance metrics—ensuring account­ab­il­ity and clear lines of responsibility.

Stream­lin­ing Oper­a­tions with a Data Catalog

A Data Cata­log is a detailed cent­ral­ised repos­it­ory of data assets owned by a com­pany. It includes metadata, data sources, struc­tures, usage and rela­tion­ships, and helps users to under­stand their data as they can explore, com­pre­hend, and util­ise it more effectively.

Scope of a Data Catalog

A Data Cata­log com­piles and organ­ises enriched metadata from a wide set of tech­nical data assets along­side busi­ness inform­a­tion, as well as details on data own­er­ship, clas­si­fic­a­tion, and rela­tion­ships. It empowers all kinds of users to har­ness mul­tiple fea­tures built upon the enriched data provided.

Glob­al­Lo­gic example
To make the con­cepts in this art­icle clearer, we will fol­low a prac­tical example involving a fic­tional logist­ics com­pany. This example will help illus­trate how a Data Cata­log can address com­mon chal­lenges in data gov­ernance.
Let’s ima­gine a large logist­ics com­pany called Glob­al­Lo­gix that oper­ates across mul­tiple busi­ness areas, includ­ing global logist­ics, mari­time, air, rail, and ter­restrial logist­ics, as well as port ter­min­als and ware­housing. Addi­tion­ally, the com­pany has sev­eral cor­por­ate depart­ments like Fin­ance, IT, Mar­ket­ing, and Qual­ity. The com­pany faces sig­ni­fic­ant chal­lenges in uni­fy­ing busi­ness con­cepts across these diverse areas, ensur­ing data qual­ity, and enabling effect­ive col­lab­or­a­tion between its oper­a­tional and cor­por­ate teams. In this art­icle, we’ll explore how Glob­al­Lo­gix can imple­ment a Data Cata­log as a key part of its Data Gov­ernance strategy to address these issues, ulti­mately improv­ing trust in its data and empower­ing its busi­ness teams.

Key Fea­tures of a Data Catalog

A Data Cata­log provides vari­ous fea­tures to enhance data man­age­ment and utilisation:

  • Data Dic­tion­ary: This fea­ture offers detailed descrip­tions of data assets, includ­ing metadata about sys­tems, tables, reports, and clas­si­fic­a­tions. It helps users to under­stand the con­text and struc­ture of data, pre­vent­ing mis­un­der­stand­ings and ensur­ing accur­ate use.
  • Data Dis­cov­ery: The search func­tion­al­ity allows users to quickly find rel­ev­ant data by using keywords, tags or fil­ters, stream­lin­ing access to crit­ical inform­a­tion and improv­ing over­all efficiency.
  • Busi­ness Gloss­ar­ies: These gloss­ar­ies stand­ard­ise busi­ness ter­min­o­logy and prac­tices, ensur­ing that key terms, pro­cesses, and KPIs are con­sist­ently under­stood and applied across all departments.

Advanced fea­tures include:

  • Data Lin­eage: This fea­ture provides a visual rep­res­ent­a­tion of the data jour­ney through vari­ous sys­tems, help­ing users under­stand its trans­form­a­tions, enabling bet­ter audit­ing, and sup­port­ing more informed decision-making.
  • Data Mar­ket­place: The data mar­ket­place acts as a cent­ral­ised plat­form for shar­ing and access­ing cur­ated, trus­ted data­sets, ensur­ing that teams work with reli­able, approved data for ana­lyt­ical and report­ing needs.

Glob­al­Lo­gic example
At Glob­al­Lo­gix, the Data Cata­log has proven invalu­able across depart­ments. The data dic­tion­ary ensures clar­ity between fields like “weight_kg” and “gross_weight_kg”, pre­vent­ing con­fu­sion dur­ing report build­ing. Data Dis­cov­ery allows users from Ware­housing to quickly find data on invent­ory turnover, while the Busi­ness Gloss­ary helps align defin­i­tions of key terms between Mar­ket­ing and Fin­ance. Advanced fea­tures like Data Lin­eage help the Qual­ity depart­ment to trace data dis­crep­an­cies, and the Data Mar­ket­place enables Fin­ance to access pre­approved data­sets for accur­ate fin­an­cial forecasting.

Bene­fits of a Data Catalog

Imple­ment­ing a Data Cata­log addresses sev­eral com­mon chal­lenges organ­isa­tions can face:

  • Data Dis­cov­ery: A Data Cata­log enhances data vis­ib­il­ity, allow­ing users to quickly loc­ate data­sets, reports and sys­tems, improv­ing effi­ciency and decision-making.
  • Data Con­text: It provides the neces­sary con­text by link­ing data to its sources and trans­form­a­tions, help­ing users to under­stand the ori­gins and logic behind the data, speed­ing up issue res­ol­u­tion and impact analysis.
  • Busi­ness Defin­i­tions and KPI Align­ment: This stand­ard­ises crit­ical busi­ness defin­i­tions and KPIs across depart­ments, ensur­ing con­sist­ency in met­rics, com­pli­ance with reg­u­la­tions, and clar­ity in data secur­ity and access management.
  • Col­lab­or­a­tion Effi­ciency: By stream­lin­ing com­mu­nic­a­tion chan­nels and defin­ing clear own­er­ship of data assets, imple­ment­ing a Data Cata­log facil­it­ates col­lab­or­a­tion between depart­ments and improves the over­all qual­ity of shared data.

Build­ing Data Trust with a Data Catalog

Achiev­ing high data trust within a Data Cata­log involves a series of well-defined steps to ensure data is reli­able, access­ible, and under­stand­able. This pro­cess can be broken down into four key stages: Add, Enrich, Con­sume, and Col­lab­or­ate. Each stage plays a cru­cial part in trans­form­ing low-trust data into high-trust data, as illus­trated in this oper­a­tional pro­cess diagram:

Glob­al­Lo­gic example
Add: Ware­housing adds the “Invent­ory Turnover Rate” term to the cata­logue, link­ing it to rel­ev­ant stock and sales data for con­sist­ency across depart­ments.
Enrich: The Qual­ity team clas­si­fies the data into “High Turnover Products” and “Low Turnover Products”, while IT links these busi­ness terms to tech­nical data tables for accur­ate report­ing.
Con­sume: The Fin­ance depart­ment uses the cata­logue to verify turnover rates for fin­an­cial fore­casts, ensur­ing data accur­acy and rel­ev­ance.
Col­lab­or­ate: After dis­cov­er­ing dis­crep­an­cies, the Ware­housing team flags the issue, and IT cor­rects the syncing pro­cess, updat­ing the cata­logue and pre­vent­ing future errors.

By sys­tem­at­ic­ally adding, enrich­ing, con­sum­ing, and col­lab­or­at­ing on data, organ­isa­tions can trans­form their Data Cata­log into a high-trust resource, driv­ing bet­ter busi­ness out­comes and effect­ive decision-making.

Data Cata­log Technologies

There are vari­ous tools avail­able to imple­ment a Data Cata­log, each offer­ing dif­fer­ent func­tion­al­it­ies. These tech­no­lo­gies typ­ic­ally auto­mate the man­age­ment of data dic­tion­ar­ies, busi­ness gloss­ar­ies, data dis­cov­ery and data lin­eage, effect­ively stream­lin­ing data gov­ernance practices.

  • Data Dic­tion­ary – Auto Entry: Tools scan data sources and auto­mat­ic­ally pop­u­late the data dic­tion­ary with metadata, redu­cing the need for manual entry.
  • Busi­ness Gloss­ary: A cent­ral­ised gloss­ary helps stand­ard­ise busi­ness terms, pro­mot­ing clar­ity across departments.
  • Data Dis­cov­ery: Advanced search cap­ab­il­it­ies allow users to quickly find rel­ev­ant data assets across mul­tiple sys­tems, sig­ni­fic­antly speed­ing up the dis­cov­ery process.
  • Data Lin­eage: Visual rep­res­ent­a­tions of data flows provide insights into how data moves and trans­forms, assist­ing with com­pli­ance and auditing.
  • Data Mar­ket­place: Users can request and access cur­ated, high-qual­ity datasets.
  • Work­flow Col­lab­or­a­tion: Ded­ic­ated tools sup­port cus­tom work­flows for col­lab­or­a­tion on data man­age­ment pro­jects, ensur­ing all stake­hold­ers are aligned.
  • Data Qual­ity and MDM: Fea­tures ensure data accur­acy and con­sist­ency through built-in data pro­fil­ing and MDM capabilities.

Example Tools

  1. Inform­at­ica: A power­ful plat­form known for its data man­age­ment cap­ab­il­it­ies, includ­ing data qual­ity checks, MDM and lin­eage track­ing, ideal for com­plex environments.
  2. Col­libra: A highly scal­able solu­tion focused on data gov­ernance, offer­ing strong col­lab­or­a­tion and work­flow fea­tures for detailed gov­ernance across busi­ness units.
  3. Atac­cama: A uni­fied plat­form that com­bines data gov­ernance, qual­ity man­age­ment and MDM, for organ­isa­tions that need to main­tain strict data stand­ards across vari­ous environments.
  4. Pur­view: A com­pre­hens­ive data gov­ernance solu­tion provid­ing fault­less integ­ra­tion with Azure and Microsoft 365, whilst enabling data stew­ard­ship, data dis­cov­ery, lin­eage track­ing, and compliance.


The import­ance of an effect­ive data gov­ernance policy can­not be over­stated, and a well-imple­men­ted Data Cata­log is a corner­stone of this strategy, act­ing as a cent­ral­ised repos­it­ory that enhances the vis­ib­il­ity, access­ib­il­ity, and trust­wor­thi­ness of an organisation’s data assets. Gain­ing trust and vis­ib­il­ity is cru­cial for ensur­ing that all stake­hold­ers across the organ­isa­tion can rely on its data for crit­ical decision-making.

In this art­icle, we’ve explored the Data Catalog’s fun­da­mental role in address­ing com­mon data man­age­ment chal­lenges, such as data dis­cov­ery, con­text, align­ment on busi­ness defin­i­tions, and inef­fi­cient col­lab­or­a­tion. By sys­tem­at­ic­ally adding, enrich­ing, con­sum­ing, and work­ing together on data, organ­isa­tions can trans­form their Data Cata­log into a high-trust resource that drives bet­ter busi­ness out­comes and optim­ised decision-making.

We’ve also looked at vari­ous tech­no­lo­gies avail­able for imple­ment­ing a Data Cata­log, each offer­ing unique fea­tures and cap­ab­il­it­ies. The choice of the right tech­no­logy will depend on the spe­cific needs of your organ­isa­tion, as well as its exist­ing infra­struc­ture, the level of col­lab­or­a­tion required, and any reg­u­lat­ory requirements.

Glob­al­Lo­gic example
The imple­ment­a­tion of a Data Cata­log at Glob­al­Lo­gix has sig­ni­fic­antly improved the company’s abil­ity to man­age and gov­ern data across its vari­ous busi­ness areas. By uni­fy­ing busi­ness con­cepts, estab­lish­ing clear respons­ib­il­it­ies for data qual­ity and enhan­cing col­lab­or­a­tion, the cata­logue has become an essen­tial tool for ensur­ing that all depart­ments are aligned and work­ing with reli­able, con­sist­ent inform­a­tion. This cent­ral­ised approach to data gov­ernance not only reduces oper­a­tional risks but also empowers teams to make informed decisions that drive the company’s stra­tegic objectives.

In con­clu­sion, as data con­tin­ues to grow in volume and com­plex­ity, the role of the Data Cata­log will only become more crit­ical. Organ­isa­tions that invest in robust Data Cata­log solu­tions today will be bet­ter equipped to har­ness the full poten­tial of their data, ensur­ing that they remain agile, com­pli­ant, and innov­at­ive in a com­pet­it­ive landscape.

Here at synvert, we under­stand that no two busi­nesses are alike, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work when it comes to data solu­tions. With a proven track record, we’re com­mit­ted to empower­ing your organ­isa­tion with the tools and insights needed to foster col­lab­or­a­tion, build trust, and drive innov­a­tion. Don’t let the com­plex­it­ies of data gov­ernance hold you back—con­tact us today to see how we can help you turn your data into a stra­tegic advantage!