When start­ing a new pro­ject, developers should always ask them­selves if it will be used on smart­phones: the ver­sat­il­ity, ease of use and avail­ab­il­ity of a mobile device is unpar­alleled and can bene­fit any project.

Web­sites have quickly adap­ted to this new real­ity. They are now respons­ive, and some are even developed fol­low­ing a mobile-first approach, designed ini­tially for the mobile exper­i­ence before being adap­ted to desktop.

And mobile devel­op­ment itself has also changed: developers can now lever­age a wide vari­ety of multi-plat­form frame­works to build apps using a single code­base. There are two out­stand­ing plat­forms: Flut­ter and React Nat­ive.

Non-Tech­nical Comparison

Let’s start by review­ing a few aspects of both frame­works to see where they come from and where are they heading!


React Nat­ive has been around for longer; the first ver­sion was released in 2015, developed by Face­book (now Meta). Flut­ter launched for pub­lic use by Google in 2015, but the first stable ver­sion was not released until 2018.


We can get an idea of the pop­ular­ity of these tools by look­ing at the 2023 Stack Over­flow Sur­vey, where we can see that Flut­ter usage (9.12%) has a slight lead over React Nat­ive (8.43%).

If we look at Google Trends, we can see an even greater dif­fer­ence. React Nat­ive was the more pop­u­lar search until Flut­ter took the lead in late 2019, main­tain­ing that pos­i­tion to the present day:

Fig­ure 1: Interest over time on Google Trends

Com­munity Support

Because React Nat­ive has been around for longer, it’s easier to find resources and plu­gins for nearly all the fea­ture that you may want to develop. What’s more, Microsoft and other com­pan­ies are invest­ing sig­ni­fic­ant resources in React Nat­ive as it aligns with their interests.

Flut­ter got off to a slower start, but quickly caught up, as we can see on Stack Over­flow Trends. The usage stats for “flut­ter” and “react-nat­ive” tags in the com­munity-driven web­site show more ques­tions about Flut­ter than about React Native:

Fig­ure 2: % of ques­tions over time on Stack Overflow

Tech­nical Comparison


Flut­ter stands out thanks to its approach to pro­gram­ming lan­guage: unlike React Nat­ive, which relies on the widely recog­nised JavaS­cript (or TypeScript for those seek­ing type safety), Flut­ter opts for Dart, a lan­guage developed by Google with Flut­ter in mind, essen­tially provid­ing Flut­ter with its very own pro­gram­ming lan­guage. For­tu­nately, for those inter­ested in learn­ing Dart, the lan­guage is sim­ilar to both JavaS­cript and Java, mak­ing the learn­ing pro­cess intu­it­ive and straight­for­ward.


Both frame­works have been around for some time, res­ult­ing in com­pre­hens­ive doc­u­ment­a­tion for each. How­ever, Flut­ter bene­fits from a more extens­ive and detailed doc­u­ment­a­tion, as does Dart: the Dart Lan­guage Tour and the dos and don’ts from Effect­ive Dart are excel­lent examples.


Neither Flut­ter nor React Nat­ive have per­form­ance issues: they both tar­get a stable 60 frames per second (fps) and can run at 120 fps on com­pat­ible devices. Their doc­u­ment­a­tion offers a guide and best prac­tices to get the optimal per­form­ance out of your apps.

Sup­por­ted Platforms

Both frame­works were ini­tially designed to cre­ate builds for iOS and Android devices. Flut­ter later intro­duced stable sup­port for addi­tional plat­forms includ­ing Win­dows, macOS, Linux and web. React Nat­ive also provides sup­port for Win­dows and macOS, but through a forked ver­sion of React Nat­ive main­tained by Microsoft.

Devel­op­ment and Debugging

One of Flutter’s key advant­ages is how much developers like to use it! As seen in the 2023 Stack Over­flow Sur­vey, Flut­ter is well-regarded by 64% of the sur­veyed developers, whereas for React Nat­ive that fig­ure is only 54%.

Flut­ter boasts seam­less out-of-the-box integ­ra­tion with widely used IDEs like VSCode and Android Studio/IntelliJ, sim­pli­fy­ing the debug­ging pro­cess. React Nat­ive doesn’t offi­cially endorse any IDE (Integ­rated Devel­op­ment Envir­on­ment), but Microsoft offers tools for VSCode to sup­port React Nat­ive development.

On top of this, the React Nat­ive com­munity is divided over the use of the Expo plat­form. Expo provides a com­pre­hens­ive set of tools designed to facil­it­ate the devel­op­ment of React Nat­ive apps, but using it comes with its own set of con­sid­er­a­tions which developers need to weigh up carefully.

Con­clu­sion: And the Win­ner Is…

Here at ClearPeaks, our developers are big fans of the Flut­ter frame­work and we’ve had many a suc­cess story imple­ment­ing BI solu­tions with it, devel­op­ing iOS, Android and even web applic­a­tions too.

Whilst we appre­ci­ate the rapid devel­op­ment and pro­to­typ­ing cap­ab­il­it­ies afforded by Flut­ter and Dart, every pro­ject requires its own spe­cific ana­lysis, and it is import­ant to not choose a frame­work based solely on per­sonal preferences.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this brief post and that it has helped to cla­rify any doubts you might have had about these two approaches. If you or your organ­isa­tion have any mobile devel­op­ment require­ments, don’t hes­it­ate to con­tact our team of trained experts so that we can find the best solu­tion for your spe­cific case. Remem­ber – your suc­cess is our pri­or­ity, and we’ll be with you every step of the way!