AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Replace­ment of an in-house soft­ware development


Brief his­tory

Atruvia (formerly Fidu­cia & GAD IT AG) is the ser­vice pro­vider for inform­a­tion tech­no­logy within the cooper­at­ive fin­an­cial group. The com­pany cur­rently employs almost 6,400 people in the group, who together gen­er­ate an annual group turnover of around 1.4 bil­lion euros. Fidu­cia & GAD’s cus­tom­ers include all 1,000 Volks­banken and Raif­feis­en­banken in Ger­many, the com­pan­ies of the cooper­at­ive fin­an­cial group as well as numer­ous private banks and com­pan­ies from other sec­tors. Fidu­cia & GAD man­ages more than 173,000 bank­ing work­sta­tions, admin­is­ters almost 83 mil­lion cus­tomer accounts and ensures a smooth cash sup­ply nation­wide with over 36,000 of its own self-ser­vice machines.

“We already knew synvert as a competent consulting partner from previous projects. Thanks to the excellent technical and project management skills of the synvert saracus consultants, all the objectives of this demanding customer and project were successfully achieved within the allocated budget. The long-term cooperation is proof of the successful support and collaboration.”

Diet­mar Neuge­bauer (Atruvia)

Teamleiter Anwendungsentwicklung / Reporting

Goals & challenges

As part of the project, a new reporting environment was developed for a customer of Fiducia & GAD. The primary objective was the necessary replacement of the customer's own software development by integrating it into the established BI landscape of Fiducia & GAD


The following key requirements were placed on the new reporting environment:

  • Integ­ra­tion of spe­cial­ized soft­ware for prob­lem loan management
  • Replace­ment of in-house devel­op­ments with BaFin-com­pli­ant stand­ard products and procedures
  • Devel­op­ment of an ana­lysis room for internal stand­ard report­ing and ad hoc analyses
  • Devel­op­ment of cus­tom­ized report­ing that allows inter­act­ive ana­lyses of the man­aged loan port­fo­lio and can be sent out
  • Estab­lish­ment of effi­cient and main­ten­ance-friendly pro­duc­tion pro­cesses for the pro­vi­sion of monthly internal and external reporting

Key points

Before the project, reporting was based on a software solution developed in-house. This resulted in the following focal points for the project:</p

  • Com­pli­ance with reg­u­lat­ory requirements
  • Integ­rated data stor­age and man­age­ment across the source systems
  • Auto­mated report­ing for customers


The data warehouse follows a classic, two-layer core-mart architecture. The system collects the relevant information from the various source systems, cleans it according to defined rules, prepares it in terms of data technology and stores it in a central data pool. The core warehouse is operated with DB2 z/OS on a mainframe environment and is updated daily using batch jobs from the source systems. The mart layer, which uses DB2 LUW under Unix, is managed with Sagent Data Flow. Various control tables, which are maintained by the customer using Apparo Fast Edit, can be used to influence the processing logic of the mart supply. For example, sales can be dynamically assigned to a series of key figures based on selected characteristics (contra account, purpose, etc.). The various components and jobs in the backend are scheduled using Automic. The frontend essentially consists of the Cognos components Framwork Manager, Connection and Report Studio. The relational reports are based on the package also used for ad hoc analyses. An innovation for both the customer and Fiducia & GAD was the first-time use of Cognos ActiveReports.

Gen­er­ated bene­fits

The BI solution developed provides the following benefits:

  • Ful­fill­ment of legal requirements
  • Stand­ard­ized, user-friendly and highly flex­ible front end through the use of IBM Cognos Busi­ness Intelligence
  • Thanks to para­met­er­ized ETL routes and Apparo Fast Edit, tech­nical changes can be impor­ted autonom­ously by the customer
  • The Act­ive Reports enable the bank’s cus­tom­ers to ana­lyze their loan port­fo­lio inter­act­ively and nav­ig­ate flex­ibly through their data.

Ser­vices accom­plished by synvert 

As a competent partner, synvert provided the following services:

  • Sub-pro­ject man­age­ment and imple­ment­a­tion of ana­lysis work­shops at the customer’s premises
  • Cre­ation of func­tional spe­cific­a­tions and detailed tech­nical con­cepts for implementation
  • Mod­el­ing the data layer of the data mart (daily updated, monthly historicized)
  • Imple­ment­a­tion of ETL pro­cesses to sup­ply the mart with data from the core DWH
  • Cre­ation of Apparo Fast Edit dia­logs for the para­met­er­iz­a­tion of ETL routes
  • Con­cep­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of the Cognos Frame­work Man­ager model, rela­tional stand­ard reports and highly com­plex Act­ive Reports
  • Tech­nical tests of all com­pon­ents cre­ated and sup­port for the cus­tomer dur­ing the accept­ance test and com­mis­sion­ing of the over­all solution

Deliv­ery / conclusion

By replacing the customer's own software development and integrating it into Fiducia & GAD's existing BI platform, a BaFin-compliant, standardized, state-of-the-art BI solution was created. The well-founded experience in the conception and implementation of BI solutions has made synvert a valuable consulting and integration partner for Fiducia & GAD. In addition to the project presented here, synvert has been supporting Fiducia & GAD as a long-standing partner in various other projects and in the maintenance of the solutions created.

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