AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

CRM ana­lyt­ics and lead management


Brief his­tory

With around 835,000 insured per­sons, the San­itas Group is one of the lead­ing health insurers in Switzer­land. San­itas offers needs-based solu­tions for private indi­vidu­als and com­pan­ies in both com­puls­ory basic insur­ance and sup­ple­ment­ary insurance.

The San­itas busi­ness model is being com­pre­hens­ively digit­al­ized. The needs of cus­tom­ers are met with more indi­vidu­al­ized offers. Such offers are imple­men­ted together with a closely net­worked eco­sys­tem of internal and external sales part­ners. San­itas sys­tem­at­ic­ally uses data ana­lyt­ics along the entire value chain to man­age all busi­ness pro­cesses in a cus­tomer-ori­ented way.

“synvert's competent and customer-oriented support of both our internal IT specialists and the specialist departments enabled us to introduce a flexible and advanced DWH/BI platform on schedule.”

Thomas Seekirch­ner (San­itas)

Leiter IT Information Management

Goals & challenges

In the overall "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM) project, the BSI CRM system is being introduced as an important foundation for the digital business model. The close integration with the DWH enables a 360° customer view in the new and powerful CRM as well as comprehensive complaint, lead and campaign management. Consultations, lead and sales processes can be made more customer-friendly and efficient.

The "KBM Analytics" and "Lead Management" sub-projects have these goals:

  • Empower­ing sub­ject mat­ter experts with ana­lyt­ical cap­ab­il­it­ies to eval­u­ate CRM data in a user-friendly way and mon­itor pro­cesses and objectives
  • Imple­ment­a­tion of com­plex sets of rules in the DWH as trig­gers that ini­ti­ate indi­vidu­al­ized cus­tomer inter­ac­tions in CRM
  • Integ­ra­tion of the new inform­a­tion and data flows into the San­itas sys­tem landscape
  • Devel­op­ment of a frame­work for auto­mated multi-chan­nel sales management
  • Devel­op­ment of a cross-sys­tem sales fun­nel and cam­paign report­ing sys­tem that serves as a plan­ning, man­age­ment and con­trolling tool for vari­ous areas (sales, cus­tomer exper­i­ence, mar­ket­ing, chan­nel man­age­ment and call center)


Requirements for the project:

  • Integ­ra­tion of CRM data into the com­pany-wide DWH and the busi­ness intel­li­gence platform
  • Devel­op­ment of stand­ard report­ing for all rel­ev­ant data areas of CRM (MicroStrategy)
  • Imple­ment­a­tion of extens­ive busi­ness logic to link cross-sys­tem data areas for effi­cient com­plaint, lead, pro­duc­tion value and cam­paign reporting
  • Cal­cu­la­tion of trig­gers, alerts and con­trol events in the DWH for fur­ther pro­cessing in CRM
  • Cre­ation of a closed-loop DWH/CRM: Data from the CRM or other sys­tems is pro­cessed in the DWH using sets of rules and ini­ti­ates indi­vidu­al­ized trig­gers that auto­mat­ic­ally con­trol cus­tomer inter­ac­tions in the CRM. The data feed­back from the CRM to the DWH enables suc­cess mon­it­or­ing and feed­back eval­u­ation and, if neces­sary, the cal­cu­la­tion of fur­ther indi­vidual events
  • Devel­op­ment of robust, stand­ard­ized and main­ten­ance-friendly data flows and interfaces
  • Flex­ib­il­ity and easy expand­ab­il­ity of con­fig­ur­a­tions, rules, events, lead types, cam­paigns and sales channels

Key points

Rules in the DWH complement the capabilities of the CRM:

  • Indi­vidu­al­ized, timely and rel­ev­ant cus­tomer approach and con­trol of the lead and sales process
  • The DWH cal­cu­lates more than 80 fully auto­mated event trig­gers (partly through com­plex sets of rules), which trig­ger cus­tomer group-spe­cific busi­ness trans­ac­tions, inter­ac­tions or mar­ket­ing cam­paigns in CRM
  • The DWH cal­cu­lates more than 110 cus­tomer poten­tials, which help the cus­tomer advisors in CRM in the con­ver­sa­tion guide. The gen­eric inter­face for poten­tials allows the depart­ment to define new poten­tials autonom­ously and without IT adjust­ments and to pub­lish them in CRM
  • Com­plex key fig­ure cal­cu­la­tions are pre­pared in the DWH and trans­ferred to the CRM cock­pit via a gen­eric inter­face and dis­played to the ser­vice consultants
  • Cal­cu­la­tion of a lead score and other cus­tomer indic­at­ors for con­trolling CRM processes
  • A well thought-out solu­tion concept for lead man­age­ment with the com­pon­ents lead qual­ity, mas­ter data man­age­ment, lead for­ward­ing, lead score, lead logic and lead reporting
  • Inter­lock­ing of DWH and CRM func­tion­al­ity for optim­ized data flows with clear responsibilities


Gen­er­ated bene­fits

Advanced BI functionality in the DWH for analysts and business users:

  • The BI plat­form has been expan­ded to include many new CRM ana­lysis areas, e.g. busi­ness trans­ac­tions, mar­ket­ing cam­paigns, cus­tomer con­tacts, com­plaints, 360° cus­tomer view, ser­vice consulting
  • More than 250 attrib­utes and 130 qual­ity-assured met­rics are avail­able to power users, e.g. for ana­lyz­ing through­put times and sales chan­nel analyses
  • Flex­ible mas­ter reports are a tool for busi­ness users to carry out “guided ad-hoc report­ing” themselves
  • Cross-sys­tem ana­lysis of the sales pro­cess from lead, quo­ta­tion, applic­a­tion to closing
  • Quant­it­at­ive and qual­it­at­ive sales indic­at­ors for per­form­ance meas­ure­ment and forecasting
  • Simple selec­tion of tar­get groups for mar­ket­ing cam­paigns via cus­tomer characteristics
  • Estab­lish­ment of closed-loop data flows for feed­back cycles

Deliv­ery / conclusion

The well thought-out interaction between CRM and DWH combined the core competencies of the CRM system with the strengths of the DWH, resulting in a comprehensive, pragmatic and powerful overall solution.

The constructive problem-solving and close collaboration between the internal project teams, specialist departments and synvert was crucial to the successful implementation and introduction. In addition to the benefits already generated, an optimal basis was created for further innovations.

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