AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Estab­lish­ment and fur­ther devel­op­ment of a DWH


Brief his­tory

With around 835,000 insured per­sons, the San­itas Group is one of the lead­ing health insurers in Switzer­land. San­itas offers needs-based solu­tions for private indi­vidu­als and com­pan­ies in both com­puls­ory basic insur­ance and sup­ple­ment­ary insurance.

“In our many years of collaboration with synvert, we have always been able to count on versatile and professional support. This applies to the various projects as well as to the construction, further development and operation of our data warehouse and the corresponding data routes, and also to the implementation with Kafka and the selection of the data catalog. Thanks to the partnership-based approach and the straightforward and targeted support, we were able to find good solutions even when project requirements changed at short notice.”

Alex­an­dra Stieger-Federer (San­itas)

Leiterin Customer Analytics & Data Management

Success stories

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Insights from our cus­tom­ers

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