AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Imple­ment­a­tion of real-time data links


Brief his­tory

HUK-COBURG is a renowned insur­ance group in Ger­many. With a strong pres­ence and many years of exper­i­ence, it offers a wide range of insur­ance products for private cus­tom­ers, includ­ing motor, liab­il­ity, house­hold and health insur­ance. HUK-COBURG is char­ac­ter­ized by reli­able pro­tec­tion, indi­vidual cus­tomer ser­vice and a solid repu­ta­tion in the insur­ance industry, provid­ing cover for mil­lions of people in Germany.

“We chose synvert as our partner for the implementation of real-time data streams with Talend Big Data and Apache Kafka because we have already had very good experiences with synvert in the past. We were particularly impressed by their technical and professional expertise - also in the insurance sector.

Thanks to this support, we were able to complete the projects within the planned timeframe and at the same time build up internal expertise in the new technologies. We would work with synvert again at any time for future projects and trust in their expertise. We would like to thank them for their trusting cooperation.”

Frank Blatt (HUK Coburg)

Abteilung Betriebsorganisation

Success stories

Other success stories


Insights from our cus­tom­ers

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