AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Devel­op­ment of a group-wide BI platform


Brief his­tory

Hero AG is an inter­na­tional food com­pany with a focus on high-qual­ity food products. The com­pany is known for its vari­ety of products, includ­ing fruit pur­ees, baby food, jams and much more. With a strong com­mit­ment to qual­ity, innov­a­tion and sus­tain­ab­il­ity, Hero con­tinu­ously sets new stand­ards in the food industry.

“More than five years ago, we brought synvert on board as an external consultant and technological implementation partner for the development of a group-wide business intelligence platform. synvert's entire consulting service is designed to be long-term and strategic and is technology-neutral. The high level of technical and social competence of the employees, the stability of the consultant teams and the consistently fast response times make day-to-day collaboration very efficient and pleasant. We also greatly appreciate the fact that synvert always puts customer benefit above any personal interests. That's why we continue to rely on synvert's valuable expertise for ongoing support, ancillary and follow-up projects and further strategic consulting in the field of data analytics even after the original implementation project has been completed.”

Wolfram Woerner (Hero AG)

Leiter Business Intelligence

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Insights from our cus­tom­ers

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