AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator
Suc­cess stories
Hamilton Med­ical

Devel­op­ment of an ERP data hub


Brief his­tory

Hamilton Med­ical is a renowned man­u­fac­turer of med­ical res­pir­at­ory equip­ment and solu­tions. With a long his­tory in the med­ical device industry, Hamilton provides state-of-the-art products that help improve patient care in crit­ical care facil­it­ies around the world. The com­pany is known for its innov­a­tion, qual­ity and com­mit­ment to the health­care industry by devel­op­ing world-class res­pir­at­ory solu­tions that pos­it­ively impact patients’ lives.

“We brought synvert on board as a partner for the development of our ERP data hub. We would particularly like to emphasize the technology-neutral consulting, the agile and rapid implementation as well as the technical and social competence of the project staff. The collaboration is exemplary in every respect, as synvert understands very well how to respond to and involve everyone involved. Thanks to the transfer of know-how and support, we are now able to implement further developments largely independently. Even after the successful completion of the project, we are happy to continue our partnership-based collaboration and count on synvert's expertise.” (/p>)

Stefan Stolz & Aldo Derungs (Hamilton Medical)

Head of Controlling, Hamilton Services AG & Aldo Derungs, Data Analyst

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