AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Hands-on work­shops
for cloud and data

Learn from our experts how you can use our best prac­tices in your company.

Hands-on work­shops for cloud and data

Learn from our experts how you can use our best prac­tices in your company.

synvert experts

Fre­quently asked ques­tions

Sem­inar cancellation

If we are forced to can­cel the course for an import­ant reason (e.g. ill­ness of the instructor(s)), we will inform you imme­di­ately. In this case we will offer you an altern­at­ive date. If this does not fit into your sched­ule, you will receive a full refund of the sem­inar fee already paid. There are no fur­ther claims. 


In case of can­cel­la­tion up to 14 days before the start of the event, 50% of the par­ti­cip­a­tion fee is due. In case of later can­cel­la­tions or no-shows, the full amount will be due. You are wel­come to send a sub­sti­tute par­ti­cipant at short notice. 

Regis­tra­tion con­firm­a­tion and invoice

After receipt of your writ­ten regis­tra­tion you will imme­di­ately receive a con­firm­a­tion of regis­tra­tion. Approx­im­ately two weeks before the sem­inar begins, you will receive the sem­inar invit­a­tion, the rough sem­inar sched­ule and dir­ec­tions. You will also receive the sem­inar invoice. Please pay it within 14 days after receipt. 

What do the sem­inars cost?

The par­ti­cip­a­tion fee for a one-day sem­inar includ­ing lunch, refresh­ments and the doc­u­ment­a­tion is EUR 995 (Ger­many) / CHF 1,195 (Switzer­land) per person.
The par­ti­cip­a­tion fee for a two-day sem­inar includ­ing lunch, refresh­ments and the doc­u­ment­a­tion is EUR 1.750,- (Ger­many) / CHF 2.100,- (Switzer­land) per person.
The par­ti­cip­a­tion fee for a three-day sem­inar includ­ing lunch, refresh­ments and the doc­u­ment­a­tion is EUR 2,610 (Ger­many) / CHF 2,990 (Switzer­land) per person.
The par­ti­cip­a­tion fee for a four-day sem­inar, includ­ing lunch, refresh­ments and the doc­u­ment­a­tion mater­i­als, is EUR 3,200 (Ger­many) / CHF 3,800 (Switzer­land) per person. Dis­count: We grant a 10% dis­count for the third and each addi­tional par­ti­cipant from the same com­pany. All prices are net prices plus VAT. 

What are the prices for in-house seminars?

one-day sem­inar: 1 – 5 par­ti­cipants – 3.500 EUR (Ger­many) / 5.000 CHF (Switzer­land), each addi­tional par­ti­cipant 500 EUR (Ger­many) / 1000 CHF (Switzer­land)*.
one-day sem­inar: 1 – 5 par­ti­cipants – 3,500 EUR (Ger­many) / 5,000 CHF (Switzer­land), each addi­tional par­ti­cipant 500 EUR (Ger­many) / 1000 CHF (Switzer­land)* *Spe­cial sem­inars may dif­fer from above prices. The adapt­a­tion of sem­inar con­tents to indi­vidual cus­tomer require­ments may lead to addi­tional costs. All prices are net prices plus VAT. Addi­tional costs: Travel and accom­mod­a­tion expenses of the speaker
Pro­jector (if required) You will receive an indi­vidual offer if you are interested.


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