AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

synvert Career Path

Career path

Careers at synvert

synvert val­ues the indi­vidual strengths and skills of each employee and fosters a cul­ture of col­lab­or­a­tion. To achieve your pro­fes­sional goals and advance your career at synvert, it’s import­ant to get an over­view of our career path.

At synvert, we offer our employ­ees a clear and struc­tured devel­op­ment oppor­tun­ity that allows them to con­tinu­ously improve and reach new heights. Our career path is designed to recog­nize and nur­ture tal­ent and give our employ­ees the oppor­tun­ity to grow in their fields. We offer a struc­tured career path that provides oppor­tun­it­ies for your career and pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment for our ger­man locations.

kununu Top Company 2023
kununu Top Company 2024
kununu Top Company 2025

Example for career path

General information:

  • Consultant equipment for mobile working: notebook, associated hardware and smartphone of your choice.
  • Building and deepening expertise through our synvert Academy, workshops and webinars.
  • Annual employee appraisal meetings include setting goals for professional, technical, and financial development.

Skills, com­pet­en­cies and tools

Which skills & com­pet­en­cies do you need for which career path?

Click on a skill to get more inform­a­tion; if you only want to see one skill­set for a job, click on the other jobs to hide them.

To our job offers
    Our mis­sion

    synvert's mission


    We offer the oppor­tun­ity to learn everything about cloud tech­no­lo­gies, advanced ana­lyt­ics, AI, data engin­eer­ing, DWH, BI and visu­al­iz­a­tion in projects.

    Fur­ther training

    We pro­mote the train­ing and devel­op­ment of our employ­ees through our synvert Academy and external courses and cer­ti­fic­a­tions. How­ever, this requires a strong com­mit­ment from our employees.

    Increase mar­ket value

    We enable employ­ees to increase their own mar­ket value thanks to our 30 years of suc­cess­ful activ­ity in the market.


    In addi­tion to a per­form­ance-related salary, we strive to cre­ate a work­ing atmo­sphere that pro­motes top-qual­ity cus­tomer-ori­ented per­form­ance. For synvert, the will­ing­ness of every­one to sup­port oth­ers in both word and deed is essen­tial for com­pany success.


    Our products cover the entire value chain, from strategy to com­mis­sion­ing, and we are highly pro­fi­cient in all key soft­ware technologies.


    We focus on large com­pan­ies and main­tain­ing local prox­im­ity in order to increase employee sat­is­fac­tion and prof­it­ab­il­ity; a consultant’s will­ing­ness to travel is a plus!

    Recruit­ment phases

    Applic­a­tion pro­cess



    Apply for an open pos­i­tion or send us an unso­li­cited application.


    Tech­nical interview

    Here you can put your tech­nical know-how to the test.


    Job inter­view

    Your chance to present your­self to the man­age­ment and to dis­cuss pos­sible projects.



    Start your career at synvert!

    Our team

    Recruit­ment team

    Our recruitment team will take care of your application as quickly as possible and contact you about the next steps.

    Do you need more information? Contact us via E-Mail:

    Matthias Janys

    Head of HR


    Matthias Janys

    Head of HR


    Denise Schröter

    Senior Active Sourcer


    Denise Schröter

    Senior Active Sourcer


    Christoph Carl



    Christoph Carl



    Apply now!

    Can’t find the right position?

    Send us an unso­li­cited applic­a­tion and together we’ll fig­ure out how you can fit in with us.


    Frequently asked questions

    Do I need a cover letter?

    No, you do not need to send a cover letter for open positions.
    What is the "technical talk" like?

    The technical interview is carried out by one of our consultants and usually lasts an hour. During the interview, the consultant will ask you questions about your technical skills (e.g. programming languages, databases, cloud technologies, etc.); they may also ask about your experience. The applicants can also ask questions (e.g., everyday life as a consultant, onboarding, possible project contents, etc.).
    What is the induction like?

    Induction includes getting to know the programs and tools, a mentoring program and a consultant training plan.
    Can I work from home?

    In principle, we offer our employees the opportunity to work from home. However, for meetings, customer appointments or exchanges with colleagues, it is sometimes necessary to come into the office.
    How can I apply for a job with you?

    You can submit your application documents either via our application form or via email ( Alternatively, you can send your documents directly to our recruiting team via message on Xing or LinkedIn.
    Who do I contact if I have further questions?

    If you have any questions regarding your application, please send an email ( or call the office (+49 251 9 87 21 22).

    Get to know our cul­ture and become a part of the synvert team!
