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Fre­quently asked ques­tions

Can I con­tact you for cla­ri­fic­a­tion of tech­nical prob­lems even after the work­shop event has ended?

Yes, our speak­ers are avail­able to all sem­inar par­ti­cipants within the scope of their time for brief tech­nical ques­tions on the spe­cific work­shop con­tent. In the case of more fre­quent use or indi­vidual issues, the time spent will be billed at the usual industry rate. This will be agreed upon individually.
It is advis­able to describe the prob­lem by unen­cryp­ted e‑mail and, if neces­sary, to enclose inform­a­tion already received or con­tra­dict­ory state­ments from the spe­cial­ist lit­er­at­ure. We will then for­ward your inquiry to the rel­ev­ant spe­cial­ist, who will con­tact you as soon as pos­sible in writ­ing, by e‑mail or by telephone.

Where can I find your prices?

Webinars are free of charge for you. The prices for the work­shops can be found in each of the offered workshop. 

Do you also con­duct in-house workshop?

Yes, all work­shop top­ics offered can also be booked by com­pan­ies as one-day or multi-day in-house work­shop (also online). Please sub­mit a request for this.

How to con­duct an online work­shop / webinar

You will need the fol­low­ing: An end device (PC, laptop, if neces­sary tab­let or smart­phone of the newer gen­er­a­tion) with a cur­rent browser, a speaker or head­phones and a (stable) inter­net con­nec­tion with suf­fi­cient band­width. Since we offer our online work­shops via the webinar plat­form “gotowe­binar”, a browser-based webinar pro­gram, the install­a­tion of addi­tional soft­ware is gen­er­ally not required. To use the event room, we recom­mend the browsers of Google Chrome and Moz­illa Fire­fox, each in one of the two latest ver­sions. The online work­shop will take place at a pre­defined time, where you will be able to see the mod­er­ator (speaker) live and ask ques­tions about the sem­inar con­tent. All par­ti­cipants of an online sem­inar have the pos­sib­il­ity to inter­act via chat. Par­ti­cipants enter the event room via a link that we send to the e‑mail address provided after regis­tra­tion in good time before the start of the online sem­inar. If included in the booked scope of ser­vices, we will send you the com­plete sem­inar doc­u­ments / webinar mater­i­als by e‑mail as a down­load link after the end of the event. The full-day online sem­inar also gen­er­ally lasts from 09:00 to 17:00.

Is it pos­sible to acquire the extens­ive work­shop doc­u­ments without par­ti­cip­at­ing in the workshopevent?

In prin­ciple yes. Please make a request for this.


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