AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator


Suc­cess­ful use of AI using the example of AI use cases in the insur­ance sector

The insur­ance industry faces com­plex chal­lenges when it comes to pro­cessing unstruc­tured data, clas­si­fy­ing claims, and auto­mat­ing internal pro­cesses. In this webinar, we demon­strate how AI can address these prob­lems and offer ver­sat­ile solutions.


This webinar high­lights prac­tical AI applic­a­tions in the insur­ance industry. Using three use cases, we demon­strate how gen­er­at­ive AI and mod­ern AI mod­els pro­cess unstruc­tured data, clas­sify claims, and optim­ize internal know­ledge man­age­ment pro­cesses. Learn how innov­at­ive tech­no­lo­gies like AWS Bed­rock, Tex­tract, and Retrieval-Aug­men­ted Gen­er­a­tion (RAG) address exist­ing chal­lenges and drive digital trans­form­a­tion in the insur­ance industry.






Date: 10/04/2025 10/04/2025

Time: 11:00

Location: Online-Webinar

Price: Free



Dr. rer. nat. Max Bußkamp



Wel­come and Introduction

  • Over­view of the chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies of AI in the insur­ance industry
  • Spe­cif­ics: Insur­ance data and gen­er­at­ive AI
Use Cases – Prac­tical Examples of AI in the Insur­ance Industry

  • Use Case I: Data Extrac­tion from Incom­ing Documents,
    The prob­lem of unstruc­tured data from cus­tomer emails,
    Use of LLMs for clas­si­fic­a­tion, stand­ard­iz­a­tion, and inform­a­tion extraction
  • Use Case II: Clas­si­fic­a­tion of Claims,
    Multi-stage work­flow: Pre­pro­cessing, BERT model, and final clas­si­fic­a­tion, Train­ing with his­tor­ical data
  • Use Case III: Internal Chat­bot for Con­tract and Oper­a­tional Doc­u­ments, Integ­ra­tion of RAG, Bed­rock API, and a vec­tor data­base, Devel­op­ment and optim­iz­a­tion of a user-friendly interface
Les­sons Learned and Best Practices

  • Suc­cess factors and typ­ical stum­bling blocks
  • Strategies for suc­cess­ful AI integration
Q&A Ses­sion

  • Dis­cus­sion of indi­vidual challenges
  • Answer­ing ques­tions from the audience

Basic inform­a­tion


This webinar is aimed at pro­fes­sion­als and exec­ut­ives in the insur­ance industry as well as IT and AI experts who are inter­ested in the applic­a­tion of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in busi­ness- crit­ical processes.

Tar­get audience

Par­ti­cipants should have a basic under­stand­ing of data pro­cessing, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, and AWS tech­no­lo­gies, espe­cially regard­ing their applic­a­tion in the insur­ance industry and the asso­ci­ated data pri­vacy issues.

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