AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Snow­flake vs. BigQuery

In this webinar, par­ti­cipants will learn about the most import­ant dif­fer­ences between Snow­flake and BigQuery. Dur­ing the webinar, the archi­tec­ture func­tions and per­form­ance of the two plat­forms will be com­pared and set in rela­tion to each other.


Dur­ing the webinar, the key dif­fer­ences and fea­tures of Snow­flake and BigQuery will be highlighted:

The archi­tec­ture of both plat­forms will be high­lighted: Snow­flake util­izes the data cloud and multi-cluster archi­tec­ture, while BigQuery relies on a prac­tical entirely server­less approach and colum­nar stor­age. This fun­da­mental archi­tec­tural dif­fer­ence also means that the pro­cessing of data within the two plat­forms dif­fers. In addi­tion to the archi­tec­tural dif­fer­ences, dif­fer­ences in the integ­ra­tion of other tools and plat­forms are also high­lighted. Vari­ous secur­ity aspects, fea­tures and best prac­tices such as time trav­el­ing or the cre­ation of test envir­on­ments using clones will also be dis­cussed in more detail. The webinar will also com­pare Snow­flake and BigQuery in terms of their per­form­ance and crit­ic­ally dis­cuss query res­ults and the asso­ci­ated costs.






Date: 12/02/2025 12/02/2025

Time: 11:00

Location: Online Webinar

Price: free



Niels Warnecke

Senior Consultant


Wel­come and introduction

  • Intro­duc­tion of the speakers
  • Object­ive of the webinar: Com­par­ison of Snow­flake and BigQuery
Archi­tec­tural comparison

  • Over­view of the archi­tec­ture of Snowflake
  • Over­view of the archi­tec­ture of BigQuery
  • Sim­il­ar­it­ies and dif­fer­ences in the architecture
Data pro­cessing and scalability

  • Snowflake’s data pro­cessing approach
  • BigQuery’s data pro­cessing approach
  • Scalab­il­ity fea­tures of both platforms
Fea­tures, cap­ab­il­it­ies and integ­ra­tion into the ecosystem

  • Integ­ra­tion with other tools and platforms
  • Secur­ity func­tions and measures
Query per­form­ance and speed

  • Snow­flake query per­form­ance characteristics
  • BigQuery query per­form­ance characteristics
  • Query per­form­ance and speed comparison
Cost model and billing

  • Snow­flake pri­cing and billing model
  • BigQuery pri­cing and billing model
  • Factors affect­ing costs

  • Answer­ing ques­tions from the audience
  • Dis­cus­sion of spe­cific require­ments and concerns
  • Sum­mary of con­tent and take-aways

Basic inform­a­tion


A basic know­ledge of the pos­sib­il­it­ies of at least one of the two plat­forms is assumed, but is not abso­lutely necessary.


Online Webinar

Tar­get audience

The webinar is aimed at data experts, data­base admin­is­trat­ors, data engin­eers and any­one inter­ested in cloud data solutions. 



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