AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

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Jour­ney to the Cloud – Databricks

Exper­i­ence the power of Dat­ab­ricks and our Gen­eric Data Loader in action in the final epis­ode of “Jour­ney to the Cloud.”


In this final install­ment of the “Jour­ney to the Cloud” series, we explore the key aspects of Dat­ab­ricks and what makes it a power­ful con­tender in the cloud tech­no­logy landscape.

Join us for this excit­ing CoolTalks ses­sion and learn about Dat­ab­ricks in action. You can also see our Gen­eric Data Loader in action. We will use a real use case to demon­strate how this ETL frame­work accel­er­ates the inges­tion and pro­cessing of data from dif­fer­ent source sys­tems in Databricks.

Register now and watch the exclus­ive webinar!

Auf Abruf ansehen




Dr. Alex­an­der Fulst

Senior Consultant

Tobias Wal­ter

Consultant, synvert saracus consulting

Jordi Ricart

Sales Director, synvert ClearPeaks

Vic­tor Colome

Senior Data Engineer, synvert ClearPeaks


1. Intro­duc­tion to synvert
2. The jour­ney to the cloud series
3. Intro­duc­tion to Databricks
4. Gen­eric data loader framework
5 Report­ing Data Ware­house – A Gen­eric Data Loader Use Case
6. Wrap-up & conclusions

Basic inform­a­tion


A gen­eral interest and an activ­ity in the field of data and ana­lyt­ics are sufficient.


Online-Webinar (record­ing)

Tar­get audience

IT man­agers and data experts



Upcoming webinars

Upcoming webinars and workshops
