synvert gave me the oppor­tun­ity to explore the IT industry and con­sult­ing, des­pite not hav­ing a back­ground in this field, and to acquire strong expertise.

After com­plet­ing my degree in stat­ist­ics, I was look­ing for a diverse job that would offer me new chal­lenges as well as a good and pleas­ant work­ing atmo­sphere with friendly col­leagues. I found this at synvert, where I work remotely as an oper­a­tions man­ager and ETL developer in a fant­astic team for a major pub­lic sec­tor cli­ent in Switzer­land. Addi­tion­ally, I am part of the Man­aged Capa­city Team at a large Swiss logist­ics com­pany, where we are respons­ible for mon­it­or­ing ser­vices in Inform­at­ica. The will­ing­ness to help among all employ­ees at synvert is excep­tional, both intern­ally within the pro­ject and across projects.

Through the vari­ety of pro­jects and cli­ents, every­one is offered a diverse and excit­ing job.

Employee sat­is­fac­tion holds great import­ance at synvert, reflec­ted in the inclu­sion of employ­ees in decision-mak­ing pro­cesses, the imple­ment­a­tion of requests such as a cer­eal bar, and the weekly com­munal break­fast for all.

Every­one is offered con­tinu­ous devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies through a wide range of train­ing and cer­ti­fic­a­tion pro­grams, which synvert sup­ports at all times.