Dur­ing my math­em­at­ics stud­ies, I was made aware of synvert by a friend who worked at the com­pany. Based on his pos­it­ive feed­back and the diverse pro­jects synvert had already worked on, I decided to apply.

From the very begin­ning, I was given pro­ject-related tasks dur­ing the onboard­ing phase, which provided me with a solid under­stand­ing of cloud archi­tec­tures and data man­age­ment. When I star­ted my first pro­ject at a fin­an­cial com­pany, I was quickly able to achieve suc­cess and fur­ther develop my skills.

How­ever, this is not the only advant­age of work­ing at synvert. I greatly appre­ci­ate the free­dom to pur­sue train­ing in areas that interest me, not just in those that are in demand. Addi­tion­ally, I am sup­por­ted by resources and col­leagues who often bring prior know­ledge from vari­ous projects.

It has always been import­ant to me to have flex­ib­il­ity with my work envir­on­ment and hours, as I place great value on main­tain­ing a bal­anced work-life bal­ance. This is always con­sidered by my super­i­ors in such a nat­ural way that I never have to worry about work­ing bey­ond my per­sonal limits.