A com­puter sci­ent­ist, a phys­i­cist, and a math­em­atician walk into a bar…

This used to be the start of jokes; today, I have all three in my team.

In Data Ware­housing and Busi­ness Intel­li­gence, it’s about get­ting a com­plete pic­ture and mak­ing decisions based on it. When I star­ted at synvert over 8 years ago, I was the first phys­i­cist in the com­pany. Back then, and even more so today, I was warmly wel­comed as a career changer, with my per­spect­ive help­ing to find the best solu­tions for challenges.

With my four-day work­week and tele­com­mut­ing, well before the COVID-19 pan­demic, I have been liv­ing my ideal work-life bal­ance long before the term became trendy.