I have been happy to be part of synvert as a con­sult­ant for sev­eral years now. After learn­ing the basics of data­base sys­tems dur­ing my master’s degree in busi­ness math­em­at­ics and gain­ing an insight into life as a con­sult­ant dur­ing an intern­ship, it was only logical for me to start my career as a consultant.

As a nat­ive of Ems­land, I appre­ci­ate the Ems and Mün­ster­land region with its people and their friendly and down-to-earth nature, so I was very happy when I dis­covered synvert’s excit­ing job advert­ise­ment on the Inter­net and imme­di­ately found my pro­file in it. After just a few days, I was invited to a per­sonal inter­view, after which it was clear that synvert would be my employer – I have rarely exper­i­enced such a pro­fes­sional and friendly interview.

In the first few months at synvert, I was then intens­ively and pur­pose­fully pre­pared for my assign­ment as a data engin­eer at a large mobil­ity group with vari­ous train­ing courses and cer­ti­fic­a­tions, so that my debut as a con­sult­ant went really well. But that was only the begin­ning, because I can con­tinue to con­sol­id­ate the exper­i­ence I have gained with fur­ther training.

I value con­tinu­ous per­sonal devel­op­ment with new chal­lenges in a friendly envir­on­ment. That’s exactly what synvert offers.