I decided to apply for the Con­sult­ant pos­i­tion at synvert because I knew I could gain valu­able exper­i­ence in cur­rent and excit­ing top­ics. Even without prior extens­ive know­ledge in the data field, I was able to join synvert and have already learned a lot since then. The help­ful­ness of the employ­ees when facing prob­lems and the pos­it­ive work atmo­sphere in the com­pany made the onboard­ing pro­cess very pleasant.

Cur­rently, I’m work­ing on a pro­ject where a Data Mar­ket­place is being built in the cloud, and I am involved in the areas of Data Engin­eer­ing and data integ­ra­tion. I col­lab­or­ate with sev­eral people, which means we often exchange ideas and solve prob­lems together.