I have been work­ing at synvert as an IT work­ing stu­dent for a year, focus­ing on Excel Power Pivot and VBA.
I have auto­mated many pro­cesses in Excel and had the oppor­tun­ity to bring in and imple­ment my own ideas!

It was import­ant for me to find a work­ing stu­dent pos­i­tion where there is a pos­sib­il­ity of being hired after gradu­ation, where I can still be flex­ible as a stu­dent, and where I am taken ser­i­ously. That’s exactly what I found at synvert. The great work atmo­sphere was an added bonus. Over­all, the rela­tion­ship with my col­leagues, as well as with the employ­ers, is very har­mo­ni­ous and friendly.

Now, I am about to start as a full-time con­sult­ant. The trans­ition was seam­less, and my pref­er­ences were taken into account. I can highly recom­mend synvert and I’m excited to soon be work­ing here full-time!