As an IT con­sult­ant at synvert, I learn more almost every day than ever before, get to work on chal­len­ging and excit­ing pro­jects, have dir­ect influ­ence on them, and almost for­get the time while “work­ing” (much to my wife’s dismay 😉).

Cur­rently, I am work­ing on devel­op­ment in the AWS cloud, a tech­no­logy that is truly “at the pulse of the times.” On top of that, I have great col­leagues and super­visors, a very pleas­ant work­ing atmo­sphere with lots of freedom—whether in the home office or on-site—and free cof­fee and bever­ages in the office.

Addi­tion­ally, the com­pany cov­ers a wide range of top­ics, so there’s always someone avail­able to help. Last but not least, the reg­u­lar work­shops are a relaxed way to learn new things and exchange ideas.