AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

SAS – the future of ana­lyt­ics in the cloud

Seam­lessly integ­rate your proven SAS plat­form into the cloud with mod­ern SAS ser­vices and bene­fit from a power­ful, scal­able envir­on­ment. The cloud-nat­ive archi­tec­ture enables faster data integ­ra­tion, effect­ive model devel­op­ment and reduced oper­at­ing costs. Take advant­age of SAS Viya or Visual Ana­lyt­ics to accel­er­ate your busi­ness decisions.


Seam­lessly integ­rate your proven SAS plat­form into the cloud with mod­ern SAS ser­vices and bene­fit from a power­ful, scal­able envir­on­ment. The cloud-nat­ive archi­tec­ture enables faster data integ­ra­tion, effect­ive model devel­op­ment and reduced oper­at­ing costs. Take advant­age of SAS Viya or Visual Ana­lyt­ics to accel­er­ate your busi­ness decisions.


What are SAS Ser­vices?

SAS offers a wide range of solu­tions to help you expand your data ana­lysis cap­ab­il­it­ies and optim­ize your busi­ness pro­cesses. SAS Viya is a cloud-nat­ive plat­form that enables rapid data integ­ra­tion, effect­ive model devel­op­ment and reduced oper­at­ing costs. With SAS Viya, you can use your data effi­ciently and make informed decisions. SAS Visual Ana­lyt­ics provides power­ful data visu­al­iz­a­tion and inter­act­ive ana­lysis tools that enable you to gain deeper insights into your data and present them effectively.

SAS Data Engin­eer­ing makes it pos­sible to seam­lessly integ­rate, pro­cess and man­age data to cre­ate a con­sist­ent and high-qual­ity basis for ana­lysis. SAS Data Qual­ity ensures that your data is accur­ate, com­plete and up-to-date by provid­ing advanced data cleans­ing and val­id­a­tion capabilities.


Our main advant­ages

Our many years of work­ing with vari­ous SAS ser­vices and our in-depth know­ledge of the tech­no­lo­gies enable us to give you a head start. With extens­ive pro­ject exper­i­ence in the imple­ment­a­tion and optim­iz­a­tion of SAS solu­tions, we offer you tailor-made support.

Cloud-nat­ive platform

Fast data integ­ra­tion and effect­ive devel­op­ment in a scal­able environment.

Data visu­al­iz­a­tion

Inter­act­ive dash­boards and reports for deeper insights into your data.

Data integ­ra­tion

Seam­less integ­ra­tion and pro­cessing for a con­sist­ent database.

Data qual­ity

Cor­rect, com­plete and up-to-date data thanks to advanced data cleans­ing functions.

High per­form­ance

High per­form­ance in SAS Viya for model devel­op­ment and test­ing by data scientists.

Self-ser­vice analysis

Cre­ate your own ana­lyses without pro­gram­ming know­ledge in SAS Visual Analytics.


Our tools

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