AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

SAP Data & Ana­lyt­ics with SAP

Bene­fit from future-proof solu­tions with SAP Data­s­phere and SAP Ana­lyt­ics Cloud to optim­ally setup your com­pany with cloud data & analytics!


Bene­fit from future-proof solu­tions with SAP Data­s­phere and SAP Ana­lyt­ics Cloud to optim­ally setup your com­pany with cloud data & analytics!


Sus­tain­able solu­tions in the SAP ecosystem

SAP sys­tems are one of the cent­ral soft­ware applic­a­tions in many com­pan­ies. They are the reli­able, tried-and-tested basis for many busi­ness pro­cesses, espe­cially in the ERP area. Today, high-qual­ity and prompt integ­ra­tion and pro­vi­sion of data from a wide vari­ety of sources is becom­ing increas­ingly import­ant. Tra­di­tional SAP BW land­scapes are reach­ing their lim­its here. 

This raises the ques­tion for com­pan­ies of how they should pos­i­tion them­selves for their future ana­lyt­ical plat­form. With S/4HANA and BW/4HANA, SAP itself offers an on-premise data plat­form and, with SAP Data­s­phere, a new cloud-based data plat­form. SAP offers an inter­est­ing solu­tion for dig­ging into report­ing, busi­ness intel­li­gence and plan­ning with the SAP Ana­lyt­ics Cloud (SAC). This often requires data from non-SAP sys­tems to be integ­rated into the SAP environment.

As an altern­at­ive, the data required for ana­lysis and report­ing can also be extrac­ted from the SAP sys­tem and pro­cessed on another plat­form (e.g. AWS, Microsoft or on premise), integ­rated with non-SAP data and analyzed.

Whatever you decide – with many years of exper­i­ence and numer­ous imple­men­ted pro­jects, we rely on tailor-made solu­tions to make your data land­scape effi­cient and power­ful. Con­tact us and find out how we can sup­port your company.


SAP tech­no­lo­gies

synvert has been imple­ment­ing BI solu­tions in the con­text of SAP for more than 25 years. We know SAP as a source sys­tem and plat­form. SAP’s new focus on Data­s­phere and the SAP Ana­lyt­ics Cloud (SAC) opens up new and chal­len­ging oppor­tun­it­ies, but also raises ques­tions about plat­form strategy. The vendor neut­ral­ity of synvert helps you to find the right tools for data and ana­lyt­ics. synvert accom­pan­ies you on the way to a mod­ern and power­ful ana­lyt­ics plat­form and enriches your SAP pro­ject with the ana­lyt­ics expert­ise of our experts.

Con­sult­ing and needs ana­lysis – Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of your company’s spe­cific require­ments and cus­tom­ized SAP solutions.

Imple­ment­a­tion of SAP solu­tions – plan­ning, install­a­tion and cus­tom­iz­a­tion of SAP sys­tems such as S/4HANA or SAP Cloud platforms.

Sys­tem integ­ra­tion – seam­less integ­ra­tion of SAP into exist­ing IT infra­struc­tures and other com­pany systems.

Data migra­tion – secure trans­fer of exist­ing data to the new SAP sys­tem to ensure data integ­rity and consistency.

Train­ing and sup­port – train­ing for your team to get the most out of SAP and ongo­ing sup­port after implementation.

Optim­iz­a­tion and main­ten­ance – reg­u­lar sys­tem checks, updates and adjust­ments to ensure long-term effi­ciency and scalability.


Our main advant­ages

How can synvert sup­port you?

Pro­cess optimization 

Auto­ma­tion and sim­pli­fic­a­tion of busi­ness pro­cesses increase effi­ciency and reduce manual errors. 

Real-time data analysis 

Fast and pre­cise insights into com­pany data enable informed decisions and faster reac­tions to mar­ket changes. 


SAP solu­tions grow with your com­pany and adapt flex­ibly to new require­ments and challenges.

Com­pet­it­ive advantage 

Optim­ized busi­ness pro­cesses and mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies give you a clear advant­age in the market.

Integ­ra­tion and cooperation

SAP sys­tems integ­rate all areas of the com­pany, pro­mote col­lab­or­a­tion and ensure a coher­ent database. 

Long-term cost reduction 

By auto­mat­ing pro­cesses and redu­cing inef­fi­cien­cies, oper­at­ing costs can be lowered in the long term. 


Our tools

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