AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Mul­ticloud – the best of sev­eral worlds

More and more com­pan­ies are decid­ing to use more than one cloud pro­vider for stra­tegic reas­ons. A cross-cloud approach makes it pos­sible to com­bine tech­no­lo­gies from mul­tiple clouds, avoid­ing data silos and ensur­ing compliance. 


More and more com­pan­ies are decid­ing to use more than one cloud pro­vider for stra­tegic reas­ons. A cross-cloud approach makes it pos­sible to com­bine tech­no­lo­gies from mul­tiple clouds, avoid­ing data silos and ensur­ing compliance. 


Seize oppor­tun­it­ies with the Mul­ticloud

The major cloud plat­forms – AWS, Azure and GCP – offer you dif­fer­ent solu­tions for a vari­ety of reas­ons. Using mul­tiple clouds allows you to com­bine com­pon­ents and select the best pos­sible tool for each indi­vidual task, reduce vendor lock-in and ideally reduce costs com­pared to a single-cloud setup.
How­ever, a cross-cloud approach usu­ally means increased com­plex­ity and higher costs for cloud-agnostic devel­op­ment. The com­pany in ques­tion must also have in-house skills for the dif­fer­ent platforms. 


Eval­u­ation of a multi-cloud approach

Multi-cloud archi­tec­tures offer great freedom.

Reduc­tion of vendor lock-in through dis­tri­bu­tion of applic­a­tions and cloud-agnostic applic­a­tion design.

Long-term cost reduc­tion by using the most cost-effect­ive solution.

Vari­ety of solu­tions by com­bin­ing the solu­tion options of sev­eral cloud providers.

Stra­tegic free­dom with lim­it­less possibilities.

Greater reli­ab­il­ity and increased safety in some cases.


Our main advant­ages

Thanks to pro­jects on all major cloud plat­forms, synvert has in-depth tech­nical exper­i­ence in indi­vidual clouds on the one hand and expert­ise in the design and imple­ment­a­tion of cross-cloud solu­tions through higher-level gov­ernance pro­jects on the other. This is why synvert knows the advant­ages and dis­ad­vant­ages asso­ci­ated with a multi-cloud strategy, and due to its inde­pend­ence from indi­vidual pro­viders, synvert can offer cus­tom­ers the best pos­sible, vendor-inde­pend­ent solution. 

Vendor inde­pend­ence

synvert is inde­pend­ent and always offers cus­tom­ers the best pos­sible solution. 

Cloud-spe­cific know-how

synvert man­ages a large num­ber of pro­jects on vari­ous clouds.
Decisions for spe­cific tool­ing on a plat­form bene­fit from synvert’s accu­mu­lated expert­ise in this cloud. 

Cross-cloud know-how

Top­ics such as gov­ernance and com­pli­ance are defined across all clouds. Thanks to rel­ev­ant pro­jects in sens­it­ive indus­tries, synvert can cover use cases ran­ging from low-require­ment data with min­imal pro­tec­tion needs to highly sens­it­ive data requir­ing strin­gent safeguards. 


synvert is more agile than the competition.
If new require­ments such as PoCs or eval­u­ations arise at short notice as part of multi-cloud pro­jects, synvert can react flexibly. 

On the pulse of time

Thanks to internal work­shops and train­ing courses, synvert con­sult­ants are always up-to-date with the latest tech­no­logy. No sec­tor is grow­ing as dynam­ic­ally and rap­idly as the cloud. synvert is always one step ahead and can also provide cus­tom­ers with expert advice on new technologies.


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