AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Obtain events in real time and pro­cess them efficiently

Real-time data inges­tion enables com­pan­ies to extract tech­nical or busi­ness events from their sys­tems (includ­ing IoT, the Inter­net of Things) and reuse them in oper­a­tional and/or ana­lyt­ical systems.


Real-time data inges­tion enables com­pan­ies to extract tech­nical or busi­ness events from their sys­tems (includ­ing IoT, the Inter­net of Things) and reuse them in oper­a­tional and/or ana­lyt­ical systems.


What is real-time data ingestion?

Real-time data inges­tion aims to view data as events that occur in an organ­iz­a­tion and that can be accessed in (near) real time for fur­ther pro­cessing. For this pur­pose, this data is first inser­ted (“inges­ted”) into a tar­get plat­form. The tar­get plat­form is either a long-term stor­age (data lake, data­base, etc.) or an event stream­ing plat­form, which is primar­ily designed for fur­ther dis­tri­bu­tion. Real-time data inges­tion encom­passes vari­ous tech­no­lo­gies such as change data cap­ture (CDC), Inter­net of Things (IoT) or sensor data. In a broader sense, this can also include micro and web ser­vices with tech­no­lo­gies such as REST/SOAP.


Core com­pon­ents of our real-time data inges­tion consulting

Use base ana­lysis - ana­lysis of the use cases for real-time data inges­tion and the sys­tem landscape.

Licens­ing - sup­port with licens­ing the product.

Archi­tec­tural design - embed­ding in exist­ing architecture.

Fol­low-up pro­cessing - know-how in the imple­ment­a­tion of near-real-time fol­low-up pro­cessing with appro­pri­ate tools.

Tool selec­tion - selec­tion of a suit­able tool tak­ing into account the requirements.

Ana­lyt­ical use cases – cre­ate value by defin­ing and imple­ment­ing near-real-time ana­lyt­ical use cases.

Proof of concept – imple­ment­a­tion of a PoC to val­id­ate feasibility.


Our main advant­ages

Real-time data inges­tion sup­ports your com­pany in map­ping the flow of inform­a­tion in your com­pany in real time. With real-time ana­lyt­ics and our exper­i­ence, we help you to gain valu­able insights and make decisions based on real-time data.

Increas­ing efficiency

No more end-of-day / batch pro­cessing, but effi­cient dis­tri­bu­tion of events in the cor­por­ate ecosystem.

Sus­tain­able benefits

All sys­tems and pro­cesses bene­fit from the prompt pro­vi­sion of data and thus con­trib­ute to added value.

Event-based decisions

Pro­vi­sion of near-real-time inform­a­tion on events for short-term oper­a­tional decisions.

Com­pet­it­ive advantage

Timely data can lead to faster reac­tions and bet­ter decisions in a volat­ile environment.


Our tools

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