AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Data Mesh

The increas­ing com­plex­ity of data land­scapes requires more and more cent­ral­ized data lake and DWH teams, risk­ing a bot­tle­neck in the com­pany. At the same time, it is becom­ing more dif­fi­cult for employ­ees to identify the right data assets for their work. Data mesh solves these prob­lems with a cent­ral­ized approach to data management. 


The increas­ing com­plex­ity of data land­scapes requires more and more cent­ral­ized data lake and DWH teams, risk­ing a bot­tle­neck in the com­pany. At the same time, it is becom­ing more dif­fi­cult for employ­ees to identify the right data assets for their work. Data mesh solves these prob­lems with a cent­ral­ized approach to data management. 


Domain-driven design

With datamMesh, respons­ib­il­ity for data assets is placed in the hands of indi­vidual spe­cial­ist depart­ments (domain own­er­ship). This ensures high data qual­ity and integ­rity, as respons­ib­il­ity lies with those who are most famil­iar with the spe­cific require­ments of the data assets.

The pro­cessed data can now be offered to other users as a product (data as a product). A self-serve data plat­form is provided for this pur­pose, which data product own­ers can use to cre­ate, adapt or delete their data products. Users can also access the desired data products quickly and effi­ciently via the self-serve data platform.

Fed­er­ated gov­ernance also estab­lishes uni­form com­pany-wide rules that define all the neces­sary stand­ards to ensure inter­op­er­ab­il­ity between the indi­vidual data products. 


Decent­ral­iz­a­tion meets Metadata

Suc­cess with domain-driven design and data catalog.

Put your data assets in the hands of the most qual­i­fied people through domain-ori­ented data own­er­ship.

Fol­low the data-as-a-product approach to guar­an­tee that your data assets are vis­ible and trust­worthy for other users.

Fed­er­ated gov­ernance gives data product own­ers the free­dom to make their own decisions about their data domain and at the same time guar­an­tees inter­op­er­ab­il­ity through global standards.

Self-ser­vice struc­tures give data users and pro­du­cers the tools they need to man­age and use data assets.

Accel­er­ate gov­ernance pro­cesses by auto­mat­ing stand­ard processes.

Increase the qual­ity and value of your data assets by effect­ively using metadata through a data catalog.


Our main advant­ages


Our synvert Data Gov­ernance Pro­ced­ure Model (sDGV) con­tains com­pon­ents that serve to estab­lish fed­er­ated gov­ernance and guar­an­tee that you find the bal­ance between decent­ral­ized and cent­ral­ized governance. 

Change man­age­ment

Our many years of exper­i­ence with data man­age­ment and gov­ernance pro­jects have shown us how import­ant well thought-out change man­age­ment is. We sup­port your data product own­ers, users and pro­du­cers in the trans­ition to decent­ral­ized gov­ernance and ownership. 

Data cata­log

The effect­ive use of metadata within a data cata­log gives data users the inform­a­tion they need to find, under­stand and trust high qual­ity data assets. 

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