AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

The Data Fab­ric architecture

The data fab­ric prin­ciple ensures a cent­ral­ized and uni­form archi­tec­ture that enables the integ­ra­tion of vari­ous ser­vices and tech­no­lo­gies, both cloud and on-premise sys­tems. The focus here is not only on tech­no­lo­gies but also on a design concept to make vari­ous applic­a­tions more effi­cient, includ­ing in the area of ML. 


The data fab­ric prin­ciple ensures a cent­ral­ized and uni­form archi­tec­ture that enables the integ­ra­tion of vari­ous ser­vices and tech­no­lo­gies, both cloud and on-premise sys­tems. The focus here is not only on tech­no­lo­gies but also on a design concept to make vari­ous applic­a­tions more effi­cient, includ­ing in the area of ML. 


What is Data Fab­ric?

Data fab­ric is a design concept that rep­res­ents a uni­fied and cent­ral­ized data archi­tec­ture. It has an integ­ra­tion layer (fab­ric) and pro­cesses that serve to integ­rate and pro­cess the indi­vidual con­nec­tions. It con­stantly per­forms ana­lyses on exist­ing metadata to sup­port the imple­ment­a­tion, pro­vi­sion and use of data across all envir­on­ments, both on-premises and cloud.

The aim is to access data through user- and machine-sup­por­ted ana­lyses in order to obtain busi­ness value from the vari­ous rela­tions of the exist­ing data points, thereby sup­port­ing man­age­ment in decision-mak­ing and provid­ing effi­cient access to rel­ev­ant data.


Core com­pon­ents of our Data Fab­ric services

Ini­tial­iz­a­tion – basic require­ments & frame­work con­di­tions, scop­ing / pro­ject plan­ning, work­ing envir­on­ment, pro­ject plan (time and migra­tion plan), kick-off meeting.

Ana­lysis and eval­u­ation – care­ful eli­cit­a­tion and man­age­ment of require­ments to achieve the object­ives, defin­i­tion of the migra­tion method and decision on the tech­no­lo­gies and tools used. Defin­i­tion of func­tional and non-func­tional requirements.

Func­tional and tech­nical design – plat­form archi­tec­ture, data mod­el­ing, stand­ards, tem­plates and best prac­tices, inter­face defin­i­tion, archi­tec­ture data integ­ra­tion, final archi­tec­ture and concepts.

Imple­ment­a­tion – devel­op­ment of the elab­or­ated archi­tec­ture in iter­a­tions based on the pre­vi­ously col­lec­ted requirements.

Test­ing, go-live, mon­it­or­ing and oper­a­tion – accom­pani­ment of accept­ance tests, error cor­rec­tions, per­form­ance / SLA tests, test & accept­ance pro­to­cols, deploy­ment to the pro­duct­ive sys­tem, han­dover of oper­a­tions, mon­it­or­ing by mon­it­or­ing tools, hypercare.

synvert accel­er­at­ors – data strategy & archi­tec­ture work­shop, con­cep­tual design tem­plate, synvert cloud integ­ra­tion pat­terns, nam­ing con­ven­tion templates.


Our main advant­ages

Our data fab­ric ser­vice offers you a pre­cise and struc­tured approach based on best prac­tices and extens­ive pro­ject exper­i­ence. With our struc­tured approach, we ensure that your busi­ness goals are achieved in clear, action­able steps. 


Detailed know­ledge of data archi­tec­tures and their optimization.

Data Integ­ra­tion

Cus­tom­iz­able solu­tions that meet both tech­nical and busi­ness requirements.

Tools and services 

Neut­ral selec­tion of exist­ing tools & ser­vices on the market.

Con­nect­ing role

Strong con­nec­tion and under­stand­ing between IT and spe­cial­ist departments.

Many years of experience

Spe­cial­ist know­ledge from a large num­ber of suc­cess­ful projects.

Com­pet­it­ive advantage

Stra­tegic improve­ments that strengthen your pos­i­tion in the market.

Effect­ive communication

Trans­par­ent com­mu­nic­a­tion and clear targets.

Struc­tured approach

Clear, sys­tem­atic ana­lysis and imple­ment­a­tion for reli­able results.


Use of data-driven insights to improve decision-mak­ing processes.


Our tools

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