AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Archi­tec­ture and
Mod­el­ing for the future

Data man­age­ment provides the basis for the suc­cess of mod­ern com­pan­ies by trans­form­ing raw data into valu­able inform­a­tion. Data archi­tec­tures and data mod­el­ing are essen­tial dis­cip­lines that ensure the flex­ib­il­ity, effi­ciency and longev­ity of ana­lyt­ical systems. 


Data man­age­ment provides the basis for the suc­cess of mod­ern com­pan­ies by trans­form­ing raw data into valu­able inform­a­tion. Data archi­tec­tures and data mod­el­ing are essen­tial dis­cip­lines that ensure the flex­ib­il­ity, effi­ciency and longev­ity of ana­lyt­ical systems. 


Hol­istic approach

Mod­ern data archi­tec­ture and data mod­el­ing form the found­a­tion for flex­ible, high-per­form­ance and future-proof ana­lyt­ical sys­tems. By com­bin­ing agile archi­tec­tures such as data mesh or data fab­ric and tailored mod­el­ing approaches (e.g. data vault, mul­ti­di­men­sional mod­els), data can be made avail­able in an effi­cient and user-ori­ented man­ner. The focus is on fea­tures such as real-time cap­ab­il­ity, self-ser­vice, auto­ma­tion and scalability.

synvert sup­ports com­pan­ies in devel­op­ing the right archi­tec­ture for their use cases, select­ing suit­able mod­el­ing meth­ods and integ­rat­ing them seam­lessly into exist­ing envir­on­ments. The aim is to enable data-driven decisions through clear struc­tur­ing and high data qual­ity – today and in the future.


Data & Ana­lyt­ics redesigned

synvert seam­lessly integ­rates data archi­tec­ture and mod­el­ing. The focus is on an archi­tec­ture that meets both cur­rent and future require­ments. From data extrac­tion, mod­el­ing and ana­lyt­ics to gov­ernance, all aspects are con­sidered. Stand­ard­ized pro­cess mod­els and innov­at­ive con­cepts such as data stew­ards or data mesh guar­an­tee a sus­tain­able and flex­ible data strategy that sup­ports data-driven decisions. 

Archi­tec­ture design – devel­op­ment of mod­ern archi­tec­tures (e.g. data ware­house, data lake, data mesh, data fab­ric) tailored to spe­cific require­ments such as struc­tur­ing, real-time cap­ab­il­ity or explor­a­tion of unstruc­tured data.

Adapt­able Data Mod­el­ing – selec­tion of optimal mod­el­ing approaches such as mul­ti­di­men­sional mod­els, data vault or 3NF to ensure flex­ib­il­ity, per­form­ance and scalability.

Self-ser­vice and auto­ma­tion – pro­vi­sion of self-ser­vice data plat­forms and imple­ment­a­tion of auto­mated pipelines for effi­cient data integ­ra­tion and preparation.

Cross-domain gov­ernance – intro­duc­tion of cent­ral gov­ernance mech­an­isms to ensure uni­form stand­ards, data qual­ity and the use of a ubi­quit­ous language.

Integ­ra­tion of mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies – use of AI and machine learn­ing to improve data pre­par­a­tion, data qual­ity and gov­ernance processes.

End-to-end sup­port – sup­port from use case defin­i­tion, archi­tec­ture devel­op­ment and mod­el­ing through to sys­tem integ­ra­tion and ana­lyt­ical evaluation.


Our main advant­ages

Future-proof archi­tec­ture

synvert devel­ops archi­tec­tures that can react flex­ibly and scal­ably to future requirements. 

Indi­vidual mod­el­ing approaches

Tailor-made data mod­el­ing for dif­fer­ent use cases such as BI, explor­at­ive ana­lyses or oper­a­tional data management.

High Data Quality 

Defin­i­tion and visu­al­iz­a­tion of data qual­ity KPIs and imple­ment­a­tion of auto­mated data pipelines to ensure data standards.

Stand­ard­ized pro­cess models 

Use of tried-and-tested approaches such as data mesh or data stew­ards for the effi­cient use and gov­ernance of data. 

Seam­less integration 

Design and imple­ment­a­tion of sys­tems that can be eas­ily integ­rated into exist­ing envir­on­ments – on-premises, hybrid or in the cloud. 

Real-time cap­ab­il­ity

Devel­op­ment of sys­tems with stream­ing func­tions for real-time ana­lysis and data integration.

Com­plete plat­form perspective

Con­sid­er­a­tion of all aspects – from data extrac­tion and mod­el­ing to final ana­lysis – for an end-to-end solution.

Exper­i­ence and best practices

synvert can con­trib­ute 30 years of exper­i­ence and proven meth­ods to pro­jects in order to imple­ment indi­vidual require­ments efficiently.

Self-ser­vice optimization

Pro­vi­sion of plat­forms that allow users to access and ana­lyze data inde­pend­ently and efficiently. 


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