AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Hol­istic cloud strategy and power­ful cloud architecture

The tar­geted use of the cloud requires a com­pre­hens­ive strategy and the devel­op­ment of a power­ful cloud archi­tec­ture that serves as the found­a­tion for your cloud trans­form­a­tion. While the strategy provides the guidelines for the intro­duc­tion and oper­a­tion of the cloud, the archi­tec­ture ensures that your applic­a­tions run effi­ciently, securely and scal­ably. Both com­pon­ents com­ple­ment each other to suc­cess­fully shape your cloud jour­ney from the plan­ning phase through to scaling. 


The tar­geted use of the cloud requires a com­pre­hens­ive strategy and the devel­op­ment of a power­ful cloud archi­tec­ture that serves as the found­a­tion for your cloud trans­form­a­tion. While the strategy provides the guidelines for the intro­duc­tion and oper­a­tion of the cloud, the archi­tec­ture ensures that your applic­a­tions run effi­ciently, securely and scal­ably. Both com­pon­ents com­ple­ment each other to suc­cess­fully shape your cloud jour­ney from the plan­ning phase through to scaling. 


Your path to the cloud: strategy and archi­tec­ture combined

A suc­cess­ful cloud trans­form­a­tion requires a clear strategy and a power­ful archi­tec­ture. We help you to make your com­pany cloud-ready by devel­op­ing key cloud cap­ab­il­it­ies and optim­ally align­ing your plat­form with your busi­ness goals and tech­nical requirements.

Using mod­ern design prin­ciples and proven best prac­tices, we cre­ate cloud archi­tec­tures that are seam­lessly integ­rated into your sys­tem land­scape. Whether scal­able web applic­a­tions, effi­cient data migra­tions or power­ful ana­lyt­ics plat­forms – our solu­tions max­im­ize the poten­tial of the cloud and drive your digital transformation. 


Com­pet­ent cloud infra­struc­ture thanks to cloud cap­ab­il­it­ies and soph­ist­ic­ated design

A suc­cess­ful cloud strategy requires not only the iden­ti­fic­a­tion and devel­op­ment of rel­ev­ant cloud cap­ab­il­it­ies, but also the applic­a­tion of a well-thought-out well-archi­tec­ted cloud design. Together, they ensure the seam­less integ­ra­tion and con­tinu­ous optim­iz­a­tion of your cloud infra­struc­ture. Import­ant aspects here are: 

Busi­ness – max­im­iz­ing busi­ness value through suc­cess­ful cloud projects.

People & organ­iz­a­tion – pro­mot­ing a cul­ture of con­tinu­ous change and agility.

Plat­form – build­ing scal­able archi­tec­tures that integ­rate seam­lessly into your exist­ing sys­tem landscape.

Secur­ity – ensur­ing data integ­rity and com­pli­ance with strict secur­ity standards.

Oper­a­tions – ensure the avail­ab­il­ity and per­form­ance of your cloud services.

Determ­in­a­tion of the archi­tec­ture – based on cloud strategy and spe­cific use cases such as data lakes or web store migrations.

Archi­tec­ture – defin­i­tion of best prac­tices in the areas of net­work­ing, secur­ity, log­ging, cost man­age­ment and CI/CD.

Cloud ser­vices – selec­tion of suit­able cloud pro­viders and ser­vices for spe­cific archi­tec­ture layers.


Our main advant­ages

As synvert already car­ried out its first cloud pro­jects in 2015, we can develop and imple­ment a cus­tom­ized cloud strategy and archi­tec­ture for you based on a large num­ber of cloud pro­jects. It’s not just about the tech­nical max­imum, but also about what is eco­nom­ic­ally feas­ible. In addi­tion, we will accel­er­ate your pro­ject and make it more secure with our cloud accelerator. 

Strategy and archi­tec­ture from a single source 

synvert has been devel­op­ing cloud strategies and archi­tec­tures for lead­ing com­pan­ies since 2015. With our cloud approach model based on AWS, Azure and GCP, you bene­fit from extens­ive exper­i­ence and proven solutions. 

Busi­ness alignment 

We identify cloud use cases with the greatest value con­tri­bu­tion for your com­pany and design an eco­nom­ic­ally feas­ible architecture.

Cloud Com­pet­ence Center

We sup­port you in set­ting up a Cloud Com­pet­ence Cen­ter that acts as the engine of your cloud transformation. 

Gov­ernance and Security 

Our gov­ernance frame­works and secur­ity con­cepts ensure secure and com­pli­ant cloud applic­a­tions. This includes IAM, log­ging, encryp­tion and data pri­vacy life­cycle management. 

Optim­ized cloud platform 

As early as the strategy phase, we optim­ize the plat­form for scalab­il­ity, cost con­trol and automation. 

Accel­er­a­tion and monitoring 

We use accel­er­at­ors and mon­it­or­ing mech­an­isms to ensure the resi­li­ence, oper­a­tional excel­lence, secur­ity and cost effi­ciency of your cloud solutions. 


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