AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Speed up the devel­op­ment of cloud solu­tions

DevOps tech­no­lo­gies enable the fast and effi­cient imple­ment­a­tion of new fea­tures in a com­plex cloud archi­tec­ture. This increases both the speed and qual­ity of pro­duct­ive deploy­ments and thus gen­er­ates ever greater added value for your cloud product and your customers. 


DevOps tech­no­lo­gies enable the fast and effi­cient imple­ment­a­tion of new fea­tures in a com­plex cloud archi­tec­ture. This increases both the speed and qual­ity of pro­duct­ive deploy­ments and thus gen­er­ates ever greater added value for your cloud product and your customers. 


DevOps func­tion­al­ity and
life­cycle overview

The core prin­ciples of DevOps include close col­lab­or­a­tion between development/operations teams and use of uni­fied soft­ware solu­tions to auto­mate vari­ous manual tasks. The typ­ical work cycle in the DevOps model con­sists of the fol­low­ing phases: Plan, Imple­ment, Test, Deploy, Oper­ate, Mon­itor, Feed­back. The indi­vidual phases form a highly iter­at­ive flow over time in order to ful­fill emer­ging cus­tomer require­ments as quickly as possible.  Trans­lated with (free version)


DevOps the indi­vidual way

Use exist­ing know-how in com­bin­a­tion with cloud-nat­ive ser­vices from Azure, AWS and GCP.

Sys­tem­atic record­ing and plan­ning of tasks with Scrum and Kan­ban boards.

Code ver­sion­ing for both the product and the under­ly­ing infrastructure.

Auto­mated deploy­ment and test­ing through con­tinu­ous integ­ra­tion and con­tinu­ous deliv­ery (CI/CD) pipelines.

Sav­ing build arti­facts in a cloud-nat­ive arti­facts repos­it­ory or con­tainer image registry.

Ded­ic­ated microservices and con­tainer ser­vices for mod­ern dis­trib­uted applications.

Unlim­ited memory and com­pute resources for upscalab­il­ity and flexibility.


Our tools

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