AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Optim­ize your user exper­i­ence

Just as a joke that needs to be explained is not a good joke, a product that does not explain itself is not a good product. This applies to both phys­ical and digital products such as reports and web­sites. We assist you in design­ing and devel­op­ing digital products that max­im­ize the user exper­i­ence and can be used in self-service.


Just as a joke that needs to be explained is not a good joke, a product that does not explain itself is not a good product. This applies to both phys­ical and digital products such as reports and web­sites. We assist you in design­ing and devel­op­ing digital products that max­im­ize the user exper­i­ence and can be used in self-service.


The basic concept of UX design

Digital products such as BI reports, web­sites and applic­a­tions must be designed in such a way that users can quickly find their way around them. To ensure this, these products must be well-struc­tured and planned. Users should achieve their goals with little effort. For example, data ana­lysts should be able to find inform­a­tion in a report as eas­ily as pos­sible or cus­tom­ers should be guided quickly to the con­clu­sion of a trans­ac­tion. Effect­ive UX design is char­ac­ter­ized by not being flashy. The bet­ter the UX design, the less notice­able it is to the end user. 


UX Design – More than just a sat­is­fied user

Good UX design offers far more bene­fits than just a sat­is­fied end user.

Increased pro­ductiv­ity and qual­ity – good UX design is char­ac­ter­ized by sens­ibly struc­tured inter­faces. The import­ant func­tions are brought to the fore. This allows users to per­form the desired actions more quickly and busi­ness ana­lysts to find the required data within a report more easily.

Reduced famil­i­ar­iz­a­tion times – through a design tailored to the user, good UX design not only reduces the time required to per­form indi­vidual tasks, but also the famil­i­ar­iz­a­tion time with new products and pro­cesses. New func­tion­al­it­ies can be used earlier, data can be ana­lyzed more eas­ily and insights can be gained more quickly.

Less rework – the sim­pler pro­cesses and user inter­faces allow users to quickly find their own way around products. This increased level of inde­pend­ence and trans­par­ency of pro­cesses res­ults in fewer usage errors and reduces the num­ber of change requests and sup­port tickets.


Our main advant­ages

As a com­pany with more than 30 years of exper­i­ence in design­ing, cre­at­ing and improv­ing digital products, we can sup­port the entire devel­op­ment cycle from plan­ning to the cre­ation of wire­frames, mockups and pro­to­types through to final­iz­a­tion. By com­bin­ing busi­ness know­ledge, tech­nical expert­ise and cre­at­ive think­ing, we can sup­port you at every stage of the pro­ject, provide advice and deliver a com­plete solu­tion from a single source.

Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of requirements

The focus of UX design is on the end user, so it is import­ant to identify the tar­get group and define their needs. Thanks to our many years of exper­i­ence, we can provide cus­tom­iz­able ques­tion­naires for require­ment pro­files and define user personas.

Con­cep­tion and prototyping

Whether BI report, web­site or applic­a­tion: based on the iden­ti­fied require­ments, we can sup­port the cre­ation of con­cepts and build and ana­lyze inform­a­tion archi­tec­tures. Thanks to our tech­nical expert­ise, we can use this ana­lysis to develop ini­tial wire­frames and mock-ups and cre­ate a pro­to­type early on in the pro­ject that reflects the struc­ture of the end product. 

Imple­ment­a­tion of ideas

We can cre­ate the final product from the know­ledge gained and the feed­back from the pro­to­type. Dur­ing this pro­cess, we can draw on proven know­ledge and best prac­tices from a large num­ber of pro­jects and incor­por­ate these into the imple­ment­a­tion pro­cess in order to keep the num­ber of iter­a­tions to a minimum.

Uncov­er­ing weak points

User sat­is­fac­tion and usab­il­ity can be meas­ured. By eval­u­at­ing user data using stat­ist­ical meth­ods and mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies such as pro­cess min­ing, we can quickly and effi­ciently uncover, ana­lyze and elim­in­ate the weak points of solu­tions and thus shape a bet­ter user experience.


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