AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

With Cloud-nat­ive to success

Take advant­age of mod­ern cloud tech­no­lo­gies to make your applic­a­tions scal­able, flex­ible and future-proof. We accom­pany you on the path to a suc­cess­ful cloud-nat­ive transformation. 


Take advant­age of mod­ern cloud tech­no­lo­gies to make your applic­a­tions scal­able, flex­ible and future-proof. We accom­pany you on the path to a suc­cess­ful cloud-nat­ive transformation. 


Our cloud-nat­ive trans­form­a­tion ser­vice for applic­a­tion development

We offer com­pre­hens­ive con­sult­ing ser­vices to develop and migrate your applic­a­tions to a cloud-nat­ive archi­tec­ture. By using microservices, con­tain­ers and DevOps prac­tices, we enable you to respond quickly to mar­ket changes, scale your applic­a­tions effi­ciently and min­im­ize down­time. Our experts will help you choose the right cloud plat­forms and tech­no­lo­gies and develop a cus­tom­ized strategy for your digital transformation.


Ele­ments for your suc­cess

We offer a hol­istic approach that cov­ers all aspects of cloud-nat­ive transformation. 

Ana­lysis & con­sult­ing – we eval­u­ate your cur­rent sys­tem land­scape and identify optim­iz­a­tion poten­tial for a cloud-nat­ive transformation.

Archi­tec­ture design - we design a cus­tom­ized microservices archi­tec­ture that is aligned with your busi­ness goals.

Imple­ment­a­tion – we sup­port the imple­ment­a­tion of the new archi­tec­ture and migrate your applic­a­tions to the cloud step by step.

DevOps & CI/CD – we estab­lish mod­ern DevOps prac­tices and con­tinu­ous integration/continuous deploy­ment pro­cesses for faster releases.

Train­ing & sup­port – we train your team in new tech­no­lo­gies and provide ongo­ing sup­port dur­ing and after the transformation.

Per­form­ance optim­iz­a­tion – we mon­itor your applic­a­tions and con­tinu­ously optim­ize for max­imum per­form­ance and cost efficiency.


Our main advant­ages

Our expert­ise in cloud tech­no­lo­gies and many years of exper­i­ence in IT con­sult­ing make us the ideal part­ner for your cloud-nat­ive trans­form­a­tion. We offer indi­vidual solu­tions that are pre­cisely tailored to your needs and accom­pany you through the entire process.


With over 20 years of exper­i­ence, we offer in-depth expert­ise in cloud tech­no­lo­gies and architectures. 

Indi­vidual solutions

We develop cus­tom­ized strategies that are pre­cisely tailored to your busi­ness goals and requirements. 

Hol­istic approach

From the ini­tial con­sulta­tion to the final imple­ment­a­tion, we accom­pany you through the entire process. 


We rely on state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies to provide you with future-proof and scal­able applications. 


By optim­iz­ing pro­cesses, we reduce your time-to-mar­ket and lower your costs in the long term. 


We work closely with your team and value trans­par­ent communication. 


Our tools

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