AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Mod­ern BI & Reporting

Inter­act­ive dash­boards, dynamic visu­al­iz­a­tions and real-time data provide clear insights at a glance. Trans­form your data into stra­tegic decisions – quickly, pre­cisely and impress­ively simply!


Inter­act­ive dash­boards, dynamic visu­al­iz­a­tions and real-time data provide clear insights at a glance. Trans­form your data into stra­tegic decisions – quickly, pre­cisely and impress­ively simply!


Using data intelligently -
Mod­ern BI & Report­ing for
sus­tain­able success

Use the full poten­tial of your data with Mod­ern Busi­ness Intel­li­gence and Report­ing. We offer cus­tom­ized solu­tions that help you make informed decisions and ensure long-term suc­cess. Optim­ize your pro­cesses, increase effi­ciency and gain valu­able insights for sus­tain­able growth. 


Mod­ern BI & Reporting

Mod­ern Busi­ness Intel­li­gence (BI) and Report­ing enable com­pan­ies to ana­lyze their data in a tar­geted man­ner and trans­form it into valu­able insights. By using advanced BI tools, com­pan­ies can integ­rate and ana­lyze data from dif­fer­ent sources and con­vert it into clear, com­pre­hens­ible reports. This cre­ates a sound basis for decision-mak­ing and improves stra­tegic alignment.  Auto­mated report­ing and real-time ana­lyses provide a clear over­view of import­ant key fig­ures, trends and busi­ness pro­cesses. This not only increases effi­ciency, but also lays the found­a­tion for long-term, sus­tain­able suc­cess. Mod­ern BI and Report­ing solu­tions help com­pan­ies to react more quickly to changes and man­age their resources optimally. 

Data Integ­ra­tion – mer­ging data from dif­fer­ent sources for cent­ral­ized analysis.

Data Visu­al­iz­a­tion – cre­ation of inter­act­ive dash­boards and charts for easy present­a­tion of key fig­ures and trends.

Real-time ana­lysis – pro­vi­sion of up-to-date, rel­ev­ant data for rapid decision-making.

Auto­mated report­ing – reg­u­lar, auto­mated cre­ation and dis­tri­bu­tion of reports without manual effort.

Self-ser­vice BI – user-friendly tools that also enable spe­cial­ist depart­ments to carry out ana­lyses independently.

Advanced ana­lyt­ics – applic­a­tion of advanced ana­lysis meth­ods, such as pre­dict­ive ana­lyt­ics and machine learn­ing, to identify pat­terns and forecasts.


Our main advant­ages

How can synvert sup­port you? 

Increased effi­ciency

Auto­mated pro­cesses reduce manual effort and speed up data evaluation. 

Improved decision-mak­ing

Real-time ana­lyses and pre­cise report­ing data provide a sound basis for stra­tegic decisions. 

Cost reduc­tion

Com­pan­ies can reduce costs by optim­iz­ing the use of resources and speed­ing up decision-mak­ing processes. 

Flex­ib­il­ity and scalability 

The ser­vice adapts to the needs of the com­pany and can be eas­ily expan­ded as it grows. 

Access­ib­il­ity and scalability 

Self-ser­vice BI also enables non-tech­nical users to carry out ana­lyses and cre­ate reports independently. 


Our tools

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