AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Using Machine Learn­ing mod­els effect­ively

Every machine learn­ing model can only show its value when it is used pro­duct­ively. We sup­port you in going live with our expert­ise and many years of exper­i­ence – from the ini­tial archi­tec­ture concept to the actual imple­ment­a­tion in your sys­tem landscape.


Every machine learn­ing model can only show its value when it is used pro­duct­ively. We sup­port you in going live with our expert­ise and many years of exper­i­ence – from the ini­tial archi­tec­ture concept to the actual imple­ment­a­tion in your sys­tem landscape.


From the devel­op­ment sys­tem to the big wide world

AI, data sci­ence and advanced ana­lyt­ics are driv­ing digit­al­iz­a­tion, but their imple­ment­a­tion poses chal­lenges. Without high-qual­ity data and a robust infra­struc­ture, even the best mod­els can­not real­ize their poten­tial. This is where data engin­eer­ing and MLOps come in, which together form the basis for data-driven solutions.

Data engin­eer­ing ensures the col­lec­tion, pro­cessing and pro­vi­sion of data. Using tech­no­lo­gies such as Apache Kafka, Air­flow, Spark and Snow­flake, data pipelines are developed that integ­rate and trans­form data from vari­ous sources in real time or in batch mode, provid­ing the basis for pre­cise ana­lyses and power­ful machine learn­ing models.

MLOps goes one step fur­ther by ensur­ing that AI and machine learn­ing mod­els are seam­lessly integ­rated into pro­duc­tion envir­on­ments, con­tinu­ously mon­itored and optim­ized. Tools such as MLflow, Kube­flow or Tensor­Flow Exten­ded (TFX) sup­port the auto­ma­tion and scal­ing of the model life­cycle. By com­bin­ing data engin­eer­ing and MLOps, com­pan­ies not only cre­ate robust data solu­tions, but also sus­tain­able AI applic­a­tions that are flex­ible and future-proof.


Machine Learn­ing operations

Setup and oper­a­tion of a machine learn­ing platform.

Uni­fied, scal­able plat­form – a uni­fied, scal­able plat­form is at the heart of every pro­ject, whether in the cloud or on premise. This relieves the bur­den on data sci­ence teams, sim­pli­fies oper­a­tion and main­ten­ance and ensures that the exact resources required for effect­ive machine learn­ing oper­a­tions are always available.

CI/CD pipeline – CI/CD pipelines ensure a repro­du­cible, stable envir­on­ment, sim­plify pro­duc­tion imple­ment­a­tion and avoid oper­at­ing errors. A well-designed CI/CD pipeline offers con­sid­er­able added value, espe­cially for machine learn­ing mod­els with their typ­ic­ally diverse dependencies.

Model mon­it­or­ing – machine learn­ing mod­els in pro­duc­tion must be con­stantly mon­itored. This is the only way to recog­nize how good a model actu­ally is and when a revi­sion or re-train­ing is necessary.


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