AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence as an innov­ator in IT operations

AIOps (Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence for IT Oper­a­tions) com­bines arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, machine learn­ing and data ana­lyt­ics to enable real-time insights and auto­mated actions in the IT envir­on­ment. This res­ults in pro­act­ive troubleshoot­ing, improved resource man­age­ment and optim­ized oper­a­tional performance. 


AIOps (Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence for IT Oper­a­tions) com­bines arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, machine learn­ing and data ana­lyt­ics to enable real-time insights and auto­mated actions in the IT envir­on­ment. This res­ults in pro­act­ive troubleshoot­ing, improved resource man­age­ment and optim­ized oper­a­tional performance. 


Trans­form­ing the IT land­scape with AIOps and Machine Learn­ing

Devel­op­ing good machine learn­ing and AI mod­els is a chal­lenge that requires exper­i­ence, know­ledge and tech­nical know-how. As a lead­ing data ana­lyt­ics con­sultancy, we enthu­si­ast­ic­ally accom­pany our cli­ents into the world of AIOps (Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence for IT Oper­a­tions), a world in which IT oper­a­tions are trans­formed by arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and machine learn­ing. Our experts are your com­pan­ions on this jour­ney, from the ini­tial con­sulta­tion to the full imple­ment­a­tion of your AIOps, pro­jects. With a wealth of exper­i­ence from numer­ous suc­cess­fully imple­men­ted cus­tomer pro­jects in vari­ous indus­tries, we offer you more than just advice – we offer a part­ner­ship. We are experts in “clas­sic” AI, as well as gen­er­at­ive AI and integ­ra­tion into cor­res­pond­ing MLOps con­cepts. With AIOps, we optim­ize your IT oper­a­tions, auto­mate routine pro­cesses and enable pro­act­ive prob­lem solv­ing to increase the effi­ciency and respons­ive­ness of your IT infrastructure. 


Improve­ment of IT oper­at­ing processes

AIOps and the devel­op­ment of machine learn­ing mod­els com­prise vari­ous com­pon­ents that together help to improve the effi­ciency and per­form­ance of IT oper­a­tions and sim­plify and auto­mate a wide range of tasks in day-to-day busi­ness. The key com­pon­ents include:

Effi­ciency & auto­ma­tion – AIOps enables effi­ciency and auto­ma­tion, reduces manual inter­ven­tion and accel­er­ates response to IT oper­a­tional issues. Improved resource util­iz­a­tion and cost man­age­ment optim­ize IT operations.

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence – AI plays a crit­ical role in AIOps by ana­lyz­ing data, recog­niz­ing pat­terns, auto­mat­ing pro­cesses and provid­ing real-time insights to increase effi­ciency and respons­ive­ness to IT oper­a­tional issues.

Real-time insights – use real-time insights into your IT envir­on­ment to always make informed decisions by track­ing and eval­u­at­ing the cur­rent status and changes in real time.

Text ana­lysis and NLP – clas­si­fic­a­tion and rout­ing of incom­ing doc­u­ments, defin­i­tion of pri­or­it­ized pro­cessing, com­plaint fore­casts, social media monitoring.

Anom­aly detec­tion – pre­vent­ive main­ten­ance of machines, fraud detection.

Clas­si­fic­a­tion algorithms – recom­mend­a­tion systems/next best offer, risk assess­ment, mar­ket analyses.


Our main advant­ages

Every busi­ness is unique, so we offer cus­tom­ized AIOps solu­tions tailored to your spe­cific needs and goals. synvert sup­ports in per­form­ing com­plex data ana­lysis, devel­op­ing pre­dic­tion or clas­si­fic­a­tion algorithms, com­plex AI mod­els and many other topics. 

Big Data Analytics

We use advanced ana­lyt­ics tech­niques to ana­lyze the col­lec­ted data and identify pat­terns. This helps to gain valu­able insights and identify the root causes of prob­lems to enable pro­act­ive solutions. 


The auto­ma­tion com­pon­ent enables the auto­matic exe­cu­tion of actions based on the know­ledge gained from the data. This can include the self-heal­ing of sys­tems, the auto­matic scal­ing of resources or the for­ward­ing of prob­lems to the appro­pri­ate personnel. 

Real-time mon­it­or­ing and alerting

Real-time mon­it­or­ing and alert­ing ensure con­tinu­ous mon­it­or­ing of the IT envir­on­ment. Alarms are triggered imme­di­ately in the event of devi­ations from the stand­ard val­ues or prob­lems occur­ring, enabling a rapid response

Model devel­op­ment

Devel­op­ing a power­ful machine learn­ing model is a com­bin­a­tion of sci­ence, exper­i­ence and intu­ition (and care­fully pre­pared data). This is where you can bene­fit from our diverse exper­i­ence. We have already imple­men­ted many use cases in one way or another and can there­fore select and imple­ment the most prom­ising algorithms and models.

ML Oper­a­tions (MLOps)

The suc­cess of a machine learn­ing pro­ject depends not only on the devel­op­ment of power­ful mod­els, but also on their reli­able pro­vi­sion, mon­it­or­ing and con­tinu­ous improve­ment. MLOps com­bines prin­ciples from machine learn­ing and DevOps to bring mod­els into pro­duc­tion effi­ciently and scal­ably. We sup­port you in build­ing robust pipelines, estab­lish­ing mon­it­or­ing and reg­u­larly updat­ing mod­els to ensure the long-term value of your machine learn­ing systems. 

Per­form­ance meas­ure­ment and optimization

The con­tinu­ous eval­u­ation and optim­iz­a­tion of machine learn­ing mod­els is cru­cial for their sus­tain­able per­form­ance. With suit­able met­rics and feed­back sys­tems, we help you to meas­ure the qual­ity of your mod­els, identify bot­tle­necks and make tar­geted improve­ments. From val­id­a­tion to A/B test­ing strategies, we sup­port you in get­ting the most out of your machine learn­ing solutions. 


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