AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Gen­er­at­ing optimum use of data and
cre­at­ing value

Inform­a­tion and Value Man­age­ment sup­ports com­pan­ies in using their data to cre­ate value by sys­tem­at­ic­ally man­aging and ana­lyz­ing inform­a­tion and trans­form­ing it into decision-rel­ev­ant insights. Our ser­vice max­im­izes the busi­ness value of your data, improv­ing your effi­ciency and competitiveness.


Inform­a­tion and Value Man­age­ment sup­ports com­pan­ies in using their data to cre­ate value by sys­tem­at­ic­ally man­aging and ana­lyz­ing inform­a­tion and trans­form­ing it into decision-rel­ev­ant insights. Our ser­vice max­im­izes the busi­ness value of your data, improv­ing your effi­ciency and competitiveness.


What is Inform­a­tion and Value Management?

Inform­a­tion and Value Man­age­ment focuses on the organ­iz­a­tion and con­trol of cor­por­ate inform­a­tion in order to real­ize its full value. It com­bines data man­age­ment, inform­a­tion ana­lysis and value cre­ation tech­niques to optim­ize data flow and data qual­ity. Our ser­vice ensures that inform­a­tion is effi­ciently col­lec­ted, pro­cessed and made access­ible, help­ing you to make data-based decisions that drive busi­ness strategies. Through close col­lab­or­a­tion between IT and busi­ness, we ensure that inform­a­tion is not just man­aged, but act­ively used to deliver tan­gible busi­ness benefits.


Core com­pon­ents of our Inform­a­tion and Value Man­age­ment services

Data qual­ity – ensur­ing that all com­pany data is accur­ate, com­plete and up-to-date.

Data man­age­ment – man­aging and organ­iz­ing data for effi­cient use and easy access.

Inform­a­tion archi­tec­ture – struc­tur­ing and arrange­ment of inform­a­tion for optim­ized access and high security.

Value-added ana­lysis – ana­lysis and eval­u­ation of the busi­ness value of information.

Data gov­ernance – devel­op­ment of and com­pli­ance with stand­ards and guidelines for data management.

Col­lab­or­a­tion between IT and busi­ness – pro­mot­ing a com­mon under­stand­ing to optim­ize the value of information.


Our main advant­ages

Our Inform­a­tion and Value Man­age­ment sup­ports your com­pany in man­aging inform­a­tion in a tar­geted man­ner and increas­ing its value. With our exper­i­ence and tech­niques, we help you to gain valu­able insights and make stra­tegic­ally sound decisions.

Increased effi­ciency

Optim­iz­a­tion of the inform­a­tion flow for faster decisions.


Clear struc­tures and pro­cesses for access­ing and using information.

Flex­ib­il­ity and scalability

Cus­tom­iz­able solu­tions that grow with your business.

Inform­a­tion security

Highest stand­ards for the pro­tec­tion of your data and information.

Data-driven decisions

Pro­vi­sion of valid inform­a­tion for stra­tegic decisions.

Cost reduc­tion

Reduc­tion of inform­a­tion losses and inefficiencies.

Sus­tain­able benefits

Long-term value cre­ation through tar­geted inform­a­tion management.

Pro­mot­ing teamwork

Improves col­lab­or­a­tion between IT and busi­ness for max­imum inform­a­tion benefit.

Com­pet­it­ive advantage

Bet­ter use of inform­a­tion strengthens your pos­i­tion in the market.


Our tools

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