AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Sup­port­ing change
hol­ist­ic­ally with change man­age­ment

When sys­tems, pro­cesses and data require­ments become more com­plex, the tasks of the people who work with them also change. Cus­tom­ers, sup­pli­ers and the company’s own employ­ees want to be involved in the change, and tech­nical change requires other changes in the organ­iz­a­tion, cul­ture and communication. 


When sys­tems, pro­cesses and data require­ments become more com­plex, the tasks of the people who work with them also change. Cus­tom­ers, sup­pli­ers and the company’s own employ­ees want to be involved in the change, and tech­nical change requires other changes in the organ­iz­a­tion, cul­ture and communication. 


Change Man­age­ment is

In today’s ever-chan­ging busi­ness world, change is a con­stant. Whether it´s new tech­no­lo­gies or chan­ging mar­kets and cus­tomer beha­vior – com­pan­ies are faced with the chal­lenge of con­stantly realign­ing them­selves. But any change is only as suc­cess­ful as the people who imple­ment it. This is where change man­age­ment comes into play. The new vis­ion and the strategy derived from it should be com­mu­nic­ated so that the need for change can be recog­nized and under­stood by those affected and involved. When the strategy is derived from the vis­ion, the people who are respons­ible for the change and trans­form­a­tion should be involved at an early stage. 


Mak­ing the change a success

Changes always affect the people in an organ­iz­a­tion – their way of work­ing, of think­ing, and often their roles and respons­ib­il­it­ies. In order to imple­ment change suc­cess­fully, best prac­tices are needed to involve the people affected at an early stage. 

Ana­lyze impact – identify the affected stake­hold­ers and the poten­tial impact on them.

Cre­ate aware­ness – the causes of change must be clearly com­mu­nic­ated and an aware­ness cre­ated that change is necessary.

Activ­ate ambas­sad­ors – the change is brought into your com­pany by people and must first be lived by them.

Reduce res­ist­ance – a low-con­flict envir­on­ment is a good pre­requis­ite for change.

Build know­ledge – the skills for change may first have to be cre­ated. Offer train­ing and education.

Con­tinu­ous improve­ment – apply acquired know­ledge, adapt pro­cesses, cre­ate a pos­it­ive cul­ture of error, ana­lyze per­form­ance and provide feedback.


Our main advant­ages

With 30 years of exper­i­ence, synvert has sup­por­ted pro­jects in many dif­fer­ent forms. In addi­tion to tech­nical devel­op­ment work, we have always designed and sup­por­ted man­age­ment top­ics such as pro­ject man­age­ment, qual­ity man­age­ment, data man­age­ment and change management. 

Strategy devel­op­ment

synvert works with you to determ­ine achiev­able and sens­ible use cases so that noth­ing impossible is planned. It’s about set­ting the right course in the right con­text so that the use of new data and tech­no­lo­gies can later be put into prac­tice and gen­er­ate bene­fits. synvert has cre­ated its own con­sult­ing sup­port tools for the devel­op­ment, man­age­ment and doc­u­ment­a­tion of ana­lyt­ical use cases, which are used in the strategy definition.

Train­ing programs 

We have developed train­ing courses, sem­inars and webinars on many top­ics in order to estab­lish the tech­nical know­ledge and exper­i­ence required for change.

Com­pet­ence center

A change pro­cess, espe­cially when using new tech­no­lo­gies, often requires the adapt­a­tion of exist­ing pro­cesses, roles and respons­ib­il­it­ies. synvert has developed a vari­ety of tem­plates and task descrip­tions for con­sult­ing sup­port that can be used in the design of com­pet­ence cen­ters for ana­lyt­ics and BI.

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