AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator

The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator is a power­ful tool that lever­ages Infra­struc­ture as Code (IaC) to enable organ­iz­a­tions to rap­idly deploy enter­prise-grade Snow­flake envir­on­ments with all the required para­met­ers, includ­ing ware­houses, tables, and users, stored in a con­fig­ur­a­tion file.


The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator is a power­ful tool that lever­ages Infra­struc­ture as Code (IaC) to enable organ­iz­a­tions to rap­idly deploy enter­prise-grade Snow­flake envir­on­ments with all the required para­met­ers, includ­ing ware­houses, tables, and users, stored in a con­fig­ur­a­tion file.

The product

What is the Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator?

The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator uses IaC to deploy enter­prise-grade Snow­flake envir­on­ments. This approach ensures not only con­sist­ency, but also repeat­ab­il­ity through­out the entire Snow­flake envir­on­ment deploy­ment pro­cess. This guar­an­tees a reli­able and repeat­able setup, min­im­iz­ing poten­tial errors and cre­at­ing a stand­ard­ized envir­on­ment. Lever­aging IaC means a pre­cise defin­i­tion of all para­met­ers and con­fig­ur­a­tions in the deploy­ment file, and the res­ult is an accel­er­ated setup of new envir­on­ments, sig­ni­fic­antly redu­cing setup time. This not only increases effi­ciency, but also improves the accur­acy and reli­ab­il­ity of the pro­vi­sion­ing process.


Included com­pon­ents

The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator provides the basis for set­ting up data networks.


The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator provides a tech­nical archi­tec­ture that reflects our extens­ive exper­i­ence in imple­ment­ing data mesh solu­tions for large enterprises. 


The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator fol­lows DevOps best prac­tices in auto­mat­ing deploy­ments through an laC approach. 


Thanks to the mod­u­lar Ter­ra­form code struc­ture of the Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator, it´s eas­ily expand­able to integ­rate cus­tomer components. 


The Snow­flake Data Mesh Accelerator saves time and there­fore costs through auto­mated pro­vi­sion­ing with Ter­ra­form right from the start of your data mesh journey. 

About Snowflake Accelerator

Automated provision of cloud services

The Snow­flake Ser­vice enables the auto­mated pro­vi­sion­ing of envir­on­ments that include all the required com­pon­ents such as data­bases, access roles, role assign­ments, vir­tual ware­houses, and tech­nical users. This auto­ma­tion ensures a fast and error-free deploy­ment of Snow­flake envir­on­ments and sim­pli­fies the man­age­ment of data platforms.

The Cloud Stor­age Ser­vice provides auto­mated pro­vi­sion­ing of cloud stor­age solu­tions in vari­ous envir­on­ments, such as Azure Stor­age Account or AWS S3, which can be used in a vari­ety of ways: as inter­me­di­ate stor­age before the data is loaded into Snow­flake, as long-term stor­age for his­tor­ical or cold data to help to reduce Snow­flake stor­age costs, or as stor­age for unstruc­tured data that can­not be loaded dir­ectly into Snowflake.

The Cre­den­tial Man­age­ment Ser­vice auto­mates the pro­vi­sion­ing of secret man­age­ment solu­tions within the respect­ive cloud envir­on­ments, like Azure Key Vault or Google Secret Man­ager. This ser­vice is essen­tial for cent­ral­iz­ing access cre­den­tials, includ­ing pass­words for Snow­flake data­base users and third-party sys­tems, ensur­ing secure and effi­cient access management.


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