AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator


DWin­sur­ance is a com­pre­hens­ive sample solu­tion for busi­ness intel­li­gence applic­a­tions, tailored to the Ger­man and Swiss insur­ance industry. DWin­sur­ance and its ready-made mod­ules sig­ni­fic­antly accel­er­ate the design and imple­ment­a­tion phases of projects.


DWin­sur­ance is a com­pre­hens­ive sample solu­tion for busi­ness intel­li­gence applic­a­tions, tailored to the Ger­man and Swiss insur­ance industry. DWin­sur­ance and its ready-made mod­ules sig­ni­fic­antly accel­er­ate the design and imple­ment­a­tion phases of projects.

The product

What is DWin­sur­ance?

synvert has derived a sample solu­tion for data ware­house and busi­ness intel­li­gence applic­a­tions from many imple­ment­a­tion pro­jects at insur­ance com­pan­ies. You bene­fit from shorter design and imple­ment­a­tion times – and more stable res­ults. Take advant­age of industry exper­i­ence and shorten tech­nical coordin­a­tion times.

DWin­sur­ance cov­ers all insur­ance lines of busi­ness (prop­erty and cas­u­alty, motor vehicle, acci­dent, health, life, pen­sions) and looks on them from a busi­ness per­spect­ive. The start­ing point is KPIs and key fig­ures with com­mon defin­i­tions as a basis for dis­cus­sion and work.

These key fig­ures are tech­nic­ally rep­res­en­ted in mul­ti­di­men­sional data marts with fact and dimen­sion tables in vari­ous forms. They include vari­ous types of key fig­ures such as port­fo­lio fig­ures (num­ber of insured per­sons, etc.), event fig­ures (num­ber of con­tracts, num­ber of ter­min­a­tions), mon­et­ary fig­ures (premium, claims costs, etc.), and internal pro­cesses, e.g. for eval­u­at­ing employee sur­veys, are also modeled.

To sup­ply the data marts, there is a integ­rated Core DWH which is also struc­tured accord­ing to func­tional sub­ject areas and there­fore also provides a good basis for data mesh projects. 


Included com­pon­ents

Meas­ures and KPIs

DWin­sur­ance con­tains around 200 KPIs and there basic meas­ures defined on KPI spe­cific­a­tion sheets. The spe­cific­a­tion sheets con­tain the defin­i­tions, cal­cu­la­tion for­mu­las, fil­ter con­di­tions and other categories. 

Data Mart layer

DWin­sur­ance provides around 40 data mod­els for the data mart layer, which are based on the concept of dimen­sional mod­el­ing as a star or snow-flake schema.

The data marts are derived from busi­ness trans­ac­tions and their key fig­ures and provide answers to tech­nical ques­tions, such as port­fo­lio ana­lyses, claims stat­ist­ics, cam­paign suc­cess ana­lyses or internal processes. 

Core Data Warehouse

DWin­sur­ance offers around 20 sub­ject areas with data mod­els for a core data ware­house, which form an applic­a­tion-neut­ral, integ­rated and his­tor­icized layer.

Here, the busi­ness ori­ented data areas (part­ners, products, fin­an­cial trans­ac­tions, claims, etc.) are designed in nor­mal form as a single source of truth. Care was taken to ensure a bal­anced mix of gen­eric model con­structs (e.g. for addresses) and semantic­ally modeled elements. 


In a cata­log com­pon­ent, the key fig­ure spe­cific­a­tion sheets are linked to the model objects (fact tables and dimensions).
The data marts are also linked to the sup­ply­ing ele­ments of the core DWH.

On this basis, com­pany-spe­cific adjust­ments can be made quickly and eas­ily in workshops. 


synvert experts


synvert experts

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