AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator


Dis­tilled from our years of enabling Ana­lyt­ics & Insights in the HR space at large enter­prises, we have developed an innov­at­ive enable­ment pro­gramme to integ­rate all your HR sys­tems into a com­pre­hens­ive data & insights plat­form, and bring the power of ana­lyt­ics, cloud & AI to drive your HR decision-making.


Dis­tilled from our years of enabling Ana­lyt­ics & Insights in the HR space at large enter­prises, we have developed an innov­at­ive enable­ment pro­gramme to integ­rate all your HR sys­tems into a com­pre­hens­ive data & insights plat­form, and bring the power of ana­lyt­ics, cloud & AI to drive your HR decision-making.

The product

What is Accel­er­ateHR?

The Accel­er­ateHR pro­gramme brings you a com­pre­hens­ive toolkit of accel­er­at­ors and a proven imple­ment­a­tion meth­od­o­logy to save both time and costs, enabling rapid imple­ment­a­tion of cut­ting-edge HR Ana­lyt­ics & Insights. With innov­at­ive HR solu­tions, we enhance pro­ductiv­ity and employee sat­is­fac­tion, while also pro­mot­ing com­pli­ance and the stra­tegic align­ment of your company.


Included com­pon­ents

Com­pared to devel­op­ing a solu­tion from scratch, our accel­er­ated pro­gram deliv­ers sub­stan­tial time and cost sav­ings at every stage. Whether you opt for the full pro­gram, selec­ted stra­tegic use cases, or tar­geted upgrades, our provide high-qual­ity insights quickly and cost-effectively. 

Mobile applic­a­tion framework

Frame­work for an exec­ut­ive-level mobile applic­a­tion, enabling your C‑suite to get insights on the go.

Busi­ness Require­ments Meth­od­o­logy & Templates

Clear tem­plates and meth­od­o­logy for gath­er­ing busi­ness require­ments with clar­ity and efficiency.

Dash­board Guidelines & Style Guide

Con­sist­ent guidelines for visu­al­iz­a­tion in align­ment with your brand­ing, ensur­ing user adoption

AI Use Cases

Prac­tical AI use cases such as suc­ces­sion plan­ning, identi­fy­ing high per­form­ance, attri­tion man­age­ment, etc.

Ref­er­ence Data Models

Data mod­els and ref­er­ence schemas to accel­er­ate tech­nical design.

Dash­board Lib­rary by Func­tional Area

Lib­rary of dash­boards for each area of HR, so that you can visu­al­ize the end product from the beginning.

Observation Deck for Exec­ut­ive Analytics

Our revolu­tion­ary exec­ut­ive ana­lyt­ics frame­work, cent­ral­ising your data into a uni­fied, KPI-focused portal.

KPI Lib­rary

Com­pre­hens­ive lib­rary of KPI defin­i­tions includ­ing for­mu­lae, dimen­sions, and sug­ges­ted chart types.


synvert experts


synvert experts

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