AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Com­mu­nic­a­tions, Media & Telecom
Con­nect­ing the world


Provid­ing insights to net­works and ser­vices

In today’s digital world, tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions play an essen­tial role in con­nect­ing people and busi­nesses, so the import­ance of tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion com­pan­ies using Cloud Data & AI to optim­ize their ser­vices and net­works can­not be underestimated.

Cloud Data & AI plays a cru­cial role in provid­ing tele­com com­pan­ies with in-depth insights into their net­works and resource con­sump­tion, enabling them to identify and resolve net­work issues before they lead to out­ages or dis­rup­tions. Addi­tion­ally, Cloud Data & AI can help to under­stand cus­tomer needs and pref­er­ences, lead­ing to the devel­op­ment of per­son­al­ized offer­ings; by ana­lyz­ing cus­tomer feed­back, con­sump­tion pat­terns, and pref­er­ences, tele­con com­pan­ies can develop bet­ter mar­ket­ing strategies to attract and retain their customers.

In tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions, the use of Cloud Data & AI is firmly linked to the suc­cess and effi­ciency of the busi­ness, optim­iz­ing net­works, under­stand­ing cus­tomer needs and devel­op­ing bet­ter offers.



Expert know­ledge in telecommunications

Cloud Data & AI Use Cases

  • Stand­ard use cases like ana­lyz­ing net­work traffic, per­form­ance, usage, errors, cus­tomer beha­vior, real-time mobile call details, pro­cessing and enrichment.
  • Dash­board with an under­ly­ing ML model to high­light dis­crep­an­cies (over­char­ging or under­char­ging) in cus­tom­ers’ mobile plans.
  • Real-time mon­it­or­ing of net­work devices and infrastructure.
  • Report­ing anom­alies in sales figures.
  • Clas­si­fic­a­tion model for churn drivers.
  • Tar­get­ing of cus­tom­ers with spe­cial­ized cam­paigns and cam­paign management.
  • Log clus­ter­ing based on pre­defined pat­terns, such as the fre­quency of occur­rence, rat­ing, and status (solved or unsolved).
  • Ana­lyt­ical applic­a­tions like eSer­vice, scor­ing, seg­ment­a­tion, churn, etc.
  • Migra­tion of cus­tomer data.

Preparation and Tools

  • PyS­park, Scikit-learn, Oracle, Pan­das, Tableau.
  • Open-source and big data technologies
  • Bash, Python, Scala, Redis, Flume, Spark, Hive, HDFS.
  • Flume, Hadoop, Apache Pig, Hive, Mahout, Jasper Reports, Unix scripting.
  • Inform­at­ica Power­Cen­ter, Busi­ness Objects, Teradata, Oracle, Cla­rify eFron­tOf­fice, Vit­ria, Erwin DM.
  • Ab Ini­tio, Sybase IQ, Oracle, inde­pendIT BICsuite.
  • Oracle Exadata, OWB, MicroStrategy, Ab Initio.
  • Teradata, Ab Ini­tio, Oracle, SAP Busi­ness Objects.

Standards and Regulation

In the tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions industry, stand­ards and pro­to­cols like 3GPP, LTE, and VoLTE gov­ern the trans­mis­sion of data and voice, ensur­ing inter­op­er­ab­il­ity and effi­cient com­mu­nic­a­tion across net­works. Reg­u­lat­ory meas­ures such as net neut­ral­ity aim to pre­serve an open and fair inter­net, pre­vent­ing dis­crim­in­a­tion or pref­er­en­tial treat­ment of spe­cific con­tent; addi­tion­ally, data pro­tec­tion rules safe­guard the pri­vacy of per­sonal information.


Our cus­tom­ers in telco

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