AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Pub­lic Sector
Step fur­ther into the data-driven world with new and innov­at­ive IT


Pub­lic bene­fits

Pub­lic insti­tu­tions handle vast amounts of data on a daily basis. The effect­ive man­age­ment of this data is cru­cial for the effi­cient func­tion­ing of these insti­tu­tions, and with ana­lyt­ics, this data can be man­aged in a more auto­mated and organ­ized way. With auto­mated pro­cessing and topic map­ping of cus­tomer feed­back, pub­lic insti­tu­tions can respond bet­ter to cus­tomer requests and sug­ges­tions; this, in turn, can improve ser­vices that are cus­tom­ized to meet spe­cific needs. What’s more, data and ana­lyt­ics can identify trends and pat­terns and provide help­ful sup­port for mak­ing data-driven decisions.



Expert know­ledge in pub­lic service

Cloud Data & AI Use Cases

  • Dun­ning and par­ti­cipant statistics
  • Labor mar­ket statistics
  • Con­trolling pay­ments and their effects
  • Fraud detec­tion in internal reviews

Preparation and Tools

  • Cloudera Data Flow (NiFi)
  • CDP cluster with Ker­beros, TLS, KTS/KMS, as well as CFM and CDSW
  • IBM DB2, Informatica
  • Oracle, PL SQL, IBM Cognos, QlikView
  • Green­plum, Inform­at­ica, MicroStrategy

Standards and Regulation

Our team of cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sion­als provides a high level of expert­ise and sup­port through­out the exe­cu­tion of HERMES projects.


Our cus­tom­ers in pub­lic service

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